Page 38 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 4-2019
P. 38
Pharma glass
ular, the OPTISTEM/2 camera equipped with two cameras, the lecting the most detailed statistics
inspection system, which can be first for heating control of the about each production batch.
installed on MM30 and FA36S glass tube in each spindle, and the
ampoule forming machines, was second for dimensional control of SPEAKING TO ALEX
developed to automatically adjust finished ampoules, with the main CRESCENTINI – SALES
the oxygen level in pre-forming advantage of operating with max- MANAGER AT OCMI
burners and guarantee to process imum reliability without affecting GMP&A: Let’s look at the
all tubes under the same tem- any mechanical components of international market scenario –
perature conditions and to keep the machine. Machine software what can you tell us about the
stem diameter inside the tightest is continuously developed by Chinese pharmaceutical glass
possible tolerance. OCMI Engineering Department market for example, considering
The OPTISTEM/2 system, is with new functions aimed at col- the OCMI has its own branch
glass machinery plants & accessories 4/2019