Page 47 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 5-2019
P. 47

Apart from access to the necessary know-how,

              glass container quality is only as good as the

              quality of equipment and materials employed.                     Its mechanical engineering has
                                                                               set industry standards for more
              Optimal production conditions need detailed
                                                                               than five decades. Extensive indus-
                                                                               try expertise, combined with the
              attention to mould equipment design and
                                                                               positive attitude and enthusiasm
              materials. So let’s evaluate what’s behind                       of Heye International employ-
                                                                               ees is mirrored by the company
              sophisticated mould design co-operation and the                  motto ‘We are Glass People’. Its
                                                                               three sub-brands HiPERFORM,
              benefits afforded to container manufacturers.                     HiSHIELD and HiTRUST form
                                                                               the Heye Smart Plant portfolio,
                                                                               addressing the glass industry’s hot
                                                                               end, cold end and service require-
                                                                               ments respectively.
                                                                                 Based    at   Obernkirchen,
                                                                               Germany, UniMould GmbH has
                                                                               over 60 years’ experience in the
                                                                               production of accessories for the
                                                                               glass packaging industry.
                     hen the production of    containers, Heye works together    The company delivers quality
                     a new bottle or jar is   closely with its sister company   and service that exceed customer
            Wplanned, besides the             UniMould, which has consider-    expectations, in a market where
            mould design itself, attention    able long-term experience in the   quality standards are constantly
            should also be focused on con-    manufacture of NNPB/PB plung-    raised and surpassed. UniMould
            tainer design. All this depends   ers, plugs and cooling tubes.    continually invests in the latest
            on the type of container and        Several years ago, UniMould    machine tool technology to deliver
            whether empirical data (weight    developed a special and well-prov-  the highest quality components
            analysis, deformation studies     en plunger coating. Together with   possible, on time and at a com-
            etc.) are already available or    the high quality mould and plung-  petitive price. O
            comparable. Heye International    er material, this coating optimizes
            specializes in the know-how       the impact and internal pressure
            necessary to handle new designs.    condition of containers. Damage
               In the case of traditional and   to a container’s internal surface
            lightweight container designs     is avoided by this special plunger
            alike, Heye uses the Finite Element   material and coating combination.
            Method (FEM), deriving values       “This cooperation has resulted
            relating to the internal pressure   in a market leadership position    UNIMOULD SA
            situation, head load and impact   with regard to the performance and   Am Ziegeleiweg 5, 31683 Obernkirchen
            stress test. This FEM is a simula-  stability of glass containers,” says       Germany
            tion software that ultimately reveals   Knut Prasuhn, Head of the Service   Tel.: +49  - 5724 - 26-437
                                                                                     Fax: +49 - 5724 - 26-376
            if the container with the stipulated   Department at Heye International.   Email:
            weight and wall thickness data    “Our customers benefit from this
            meets the filler’s requirements.   ‘one-stop’ service and coopera-
               As an alternative, for ultra-light-  tion, generating a wide diversity of
            weight containers, Heye offers    valuable experience.”
            customers the support of a pre-test
            under real production conditions,   HEYE INTERNATIONAL
            either at the customer’s produc-    Based    at   Obernkirchen,
            tion site or at a glass plant within   Germany, Heye International
            the Ardagh Group.                 GmbH is one of the international   HEYE INTERNATIONAL
                                              glass container industry’s foremost        GMBH
            COOPERATION BENEFITS              suppliers of production technol-  Lohplatz 1 - 31683 Obernkirchen - Germany
               When it comes to the design    ogy, high performance equip-           Tel.: +49 - 5724 - 26452
            of moulds and plungers for new    ment and production know-how.          Fax: +49 - 5724 - 26229

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