Page 43 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 5-2019
P. 43

this collaboration will be   will start to move.              We will be presenting our
                   that of involving clients    Right now we have a series of   new group website in October
                   in discussions regard-    innovations for the bottling sec-  at Cibus, and from then onwards
                   ing improvements and      tor – a new plant, already tested   there will also be the distribution
                   updates to our machines.  and which is being assembled      of our new newsletter, as well as
                                             right now – which has given us    communication using different
                      GMP&A:  What are the   the possibility to enter new mar-  social media. O
                   group’s strategies from   ket sectors.
                   here to October as far as    We have a communication pro-
                   communication is con-     gramme already planned which
                   cerned?                   means that we will be sending out
                      EMS: This is a transition   a ‘newsletter’ once a month or
                   period for us – also with   every two months to inform our
                   regards to communica-     clients about any developments      EMMETI - SIPAC /
                   tion – so there will not be   or innovations that we have. We     EMS GROUP
                   any real communication    are speaking about a real news-
                   strategy before Vitrum,   letter that will speak about the          Via Galileo Galilei 29
                   but after the show things   company, people, activities.       42027 Montecchio Emilia (RE) - Italy
                                                                                     Tel.: +39 - 0522 - 861911
                                                                                     Fax: +39 - 0522 - 861912

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