Page 42 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 5-2019
P. 42


              We have already gathered       working with an American lady       EMS: It’s quite an open discus-
            together all commercial activities   who is already working in sales   sion right now as we haven’t sold
            in Emmeti, with the addition of   and marketing there, along with   very significant plants there on a
            two new people, one for bever-   another technician and a person   continuous basis. We will  have
            age and the other for glass. We   in the administration department.  to start considering a local office/
            have also hired a third person      As you can see, we are also    plant there but not right now –
            – very well-known and prepared   investing heavily in the US with   in the future it will probably be
            in the glass, beverage and food    Emmeti USA.                     taken into consideration.
            sectors, who will be in charge      All other sales and marketing    Right now we are working on
            of our plants in the US. He will   aspects: Europe, Asia and so on,   maintaining and re-establishing
            be in charge of the development   is managed by our sales force    contacts with present and past
            in the US and in Latin America   that we already have, with the    clients, not only aimed at sell-
            for sales and marketing, with    addition of two new people – as   ing our products, but also to
            another technician who will be   already mentioned.                have a continuous contact with
            transferring out there.                                            these companies so that they can
              All together, the US work-        GMP&A:  What about China?      be updated about what we are
            force will be made up of two     Companies there are starting to   doing and our developments and
            people from Italy, who will be   look for Western technology.      innovations. An important part of

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