Page 26 - Glass-Technology International no. 2/2017
P. 26



           NSG                               glass lines in Europe in the coming   PHV (plug-in hybrid), which was
                                             years, as well as to drive the Group’s   launched on 15 February 2017.
           RESTART OF FLOAT GLASS            shift to a higher VA sales ratio. An   Made possible by NSG Group’s
           LINE IN VENICE
                                             exceptional credit of approximately   mould design utilizing the simulation
           The NSG Group has announced it    JPY 2billion is to be recognized in the   technology and proprietary rear glass
           will restart a float glass furnace in Eu-  fourth quarter of FY2017, mainly due   press equipment, the “double bubble”
           rope in FY2018.                   to the reversal of exceptional costs   rear window, with two curves and
           The Group plans to restart a sus-  such as impairment of non-current   a groove in between, helps reduce
           pended architectural glass float line at   assets recorded in the past. The   drag by drawing cabin side airstream
           the site of its wholly-owned subsidi-  impact on the year-end forecast of   toward the rear glass.
           ary in Venice, Italy, in the third quar-  FY2017 is under review, and if neces-  The unique design concept of the
           ter of FY2018. With process modi-  sary, we will make a disclosure in a   new PRIUS PHV is aimed at gener-
           fications associated with the restart,   timely manner.              ating an intuitive understanding of
           the Venice Line will become capable   ‘DOUBLE BUBBLE’ REAR          its advanced functionalities and the
           of producing VA (value-added) prod-  WINDOW GLASS SELECTED          double bubble window creates an
           ucts. By restarting the Venice Line,   FOR TOYOTA’S                 instantly recognizable rear view.
           the NSG Group intends to ensure the   NEW PRIUS PHV                 NSG Group is striving to become a
           stable supply of architectural glass in                             “VA (value-added) Glass Company”
           response to a robust market demand   NSG announced that its rear window   through its sophisticated shaping
           in Europe, in view of the planned cold   glass has been selected by Toyota Mo-  technology, high value-added prod-
           repairs of the Group’s operating float   tor Corporation for the new PRIUS   ucts and services.

                                                     CARDINAL FLOAT GLASS      furnace bottom through SmartMelter
                                                                               mapping,” said Kelly Busch, Vice
                                                  SMARTMELTER                  President of Technology at Cardinal
                     SUCCESSFULLY MANAGES RISK                                 This lowered risk meant that Car-
                                                                               dinal Glass could maximize furnace
           SmartMelter, a comprehensive      nology was then used to take accurate   production right up to the furnace
           solution that is revolutionizing risk   measurements of the residual furnace   drain date.
           management and optimizing fur-    bottom thickness.                 SmartMelter combines two patented
           nace life for glass manufacturers,   After this initial set-up and training,   sensors with digital mapping to col-
           has helped Cardinal Glass reach a   the sensor was shipped to Durant   lect precise data about furnace health.
           scheduled furnace rebuild for its float   for regular monitoring. Beginning in   The technology measures the actual
           line furnace. PaneraTech, who devel-  June 2016, the Cardinal team took   residual thickness of walls and helps
           oped SmartMelter, has been working   monthly measurements with guidance   manufacturers determine the timing
           with the company throughout 2016   from PaneraTech to monitor the pro-  of overcoat, identify early stage glass
           to monitor the progression of glass   gress of glass infiltration at the bot-  infiltration and optimize rebuild dates
           infiltration at the furnace bottom. As   tom. The plant was able to continue   for longer furnace life.
           a result, Cardinal Glass has been able   operations through Janu-
           to maximize production while ensur-  ary 2017, the scheduled
           ing safety                        date for rebuilding.
           The first SmartMelter measurements   “It was imperative that we
           were taken in April 2016 by the   keep operations on sched-
           PaneraTech team onsite in Cardinal’s   ule to fulfil our orders.
           Durant (Oklahoma) plant. Smart-   However, we had to do
           Melter requires a one-time mapping   this safely. We were able
           of specific areas of the furnace to   to operate with confidence
           enable proper tracking of each refrac-  because we were sure
           tory inspection. Advanced radar tech-  of the condition of the

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