Page 60 - Glass-Technology International no. 2/2017
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                                     the key to providing the cli-  by market costs is where   curred. The ongoing re-
                                     ent with a quality product.   the real difference be-  search into specifications,
           Despite the automation,   The smooth running of    tween good products and   materials and procedures
           there is still a surpris-  logistics and administra-  good results lies. The art   will ensure that Bovone
           ing number of operations   tion depends on staff who   of applying time and ef-  Diamond Tools can inno-
           which are manual rath-    know the clients, the prod-  fort to a flood of conflict-  vate and respond quickly
           er than automated. The    ucts, the procedures – and   ing demands and surviving   to market developments
           bonding mixtures have     each other – and work with   intact is needed nowhere   and continue to provide di-
           to be made up each day    commitment to survive all   more than in the interface   amond cutting wheels and
           based on the production   the pitfalls and pressures   between the works and   routers that respond to the
           and the various operations   that modern business en-  the world. Drawing up   requirements of individual
           from moulding, grinding,   tails.                  estimates, responding to   clients and by doing so
           spark-machining,  finish-  STANDARDIZATION          e-mails and social media,   the Piedmontese firm will
           ing and polishing need                             meeting clients, organizing   maintain their position as
           manual handling for move-  The change from supplying   communications, schedul-  one of the world’s lead-
           ment and correct setting-  a single producer to sup-  ing meetings, interviews,   ing producers of diamond
           up. Nonetheless, response   plying multiple machine   visiting trade fairs leaves   tools.
           time is very good. Urgent   manufacturers  raises the   very little time for a “nor-
           standard items can be dis-  problem of the variation   mal” life. Up to now,  BDT
           patched within three days   in wheel and router sizes   has been able to find a bal-  Bdt - Bovone Diamond ToolsT
           – one day to take the order,   across the entire range of   ance that works for them,
           another to make it and a   machines. A huge number   but it requires eternal vigi-
           third to send it out. Cus-  of different sized compo-  lance!
           tomised parts take longer   nents must be kept in re-  THE FUTURE
           but never more than three   gional stock inventories to
           weeks.                    service the needs of the cur-  The investment in new
                                     rent pool of non-standard   staff, machinery, office
                                     machines. To avoid having   space and procedures has
           A fundamental factor is an   a large and unwieldy ware-  enabled the company to hit
           efficient customer infor-  house, tools tend to be de-  the ground running once a
           mation service. The de-   signed to be more versatile.   change in the market oc-
           mand for customized items   Some progress has been
                                                                                           Via Voltri 78
           is high, so it is essential   made towards reducing                             15076 Ovada (AL) - Italy
           that clients get accurate   this problem by the adop-                           Tel.: +39 - 0143 - 835796
           information and advice on   tion of a BDT multi-code                            Fax: +39 - 0143 - 835797
           the impact of variations in   system where some limited               
           the design and production   standardization has been
           of components. This area   attempted and some com-
           of administration and man-  ponents will fit more than
           agement requires experi-  one machine. There is still
           ence, flexibility, multi-task-  a long way to go, however.
           ing, and an ability to relate   THE COMMERCIAL
           to the client in a construc-  SIDE
           tive and creative way, so
           that the right solution for   Having  world-beating
           that client is arrived at with   products is only half the
           a minimum of delay and ex-  work. Getting clients and
           pense. The correct balance   keeping them and making
           of analysis, specification,   sure that everything hap-
           production and delivery is   pens within the limits set

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