Page 64 - Glass-Technology International no. 2/2017
P. 64


           measured. The hail resistance was also examined              ABOUT BYSTRONIC
           with the modules with a reduced glass thickness
           also being successfully tested. Critical areas of the   Bystronic is an international brand with globally operating companies that support
           module such as glass edges, were subjected to 25   their customers on site and through sales and service companies. Bystronic
           millimetre large hailstones. The modules passed the   symbolizes innovation with machinery, systems and services for the processing
           test without any damage and it was also possible to   of architectural and automotive glass focussed on tomorrow’s market. From
                                                           basic requirements through to entire customized installations Bystronic provides
           use the same units for other tests.
                                                           pioneering solutions – naturally, all in the highest quality. Since 1994, Bystronic is
           Considerable cost savings
                                                           part of the Conzzeta AG, a renowned Swiss industrial holding company.
           Models for the calculation of the Cost of Owner-
                                                           Web Site:

                                                                         ship were developed at the Fraunhofer ISE
                                                                         and used to calculate the specific module
                                                                         costs (Euros versus wattage produced) for
                                                                         both TPedge and relevant competitive mod-
                                                                         ule technologies.
                                                                         “The specific module costs of the TPedge
                                                                         module concept are around 2.2 percent be-
                                                                         low those for the conventional glass-film lam-
                                                                         inate”, said Max Mittag.
                                                                         “These cost reductions are especially achieved
                                                                         by the lower material costs that account for
                                                                         around 90 percent of the total module pro-
                                                                         duction costs,” added Tobias Neff.
                                                                         TPedge saves approximately 22 percent
                                                                         (without solar cells) or 7.5 percent (with solar
                                                                         cells) in material costs when compared with
                                                                         conventional modules. TPedge also saves ap-
                                                                         proximately 15.4 percent (without solar cells)
                                                                         of the material costs when compared with
                                                                         glass-glass laminates.
                                                                         The TPedge project started at the beginning
                                                                         of 2013 and was supported by the German
                                                                         Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
                                                                         (BMWi). The Fraunhofer ISE and their pro-
                                                                         ject partner Bystronic glass successfully de-
                                                                         veloped the TPedge module technology and
                                                                         industrial production possibilities further.

                                                                                    nic glass
                                                                              Bystronic glass

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