Page 63 - Glass-Technology International no. 2/2017
P. 63

Within the scope of

        the TPedge project,         “We have successfully tak-  er with Bystronic were sub-  erable ageing phenomenon
                                    en the leap from a labora-  jected to comprehensive   and an output loss of up to
        Bystronic glass has         tory prototype to the stand-  module tests in accordance   41 percent. The testing of
                                    ard industrial size (with 60   with IEC 61730/61215.   the resistance to changing
        cooperated with             solar cells),” said Max Mit-  The results confirm the   thermal loads was also suc-
                                    tag, Project Manager at the   high resistance and the   cessfully passed.
        scientists from             Fraunhofer ISE.           technical maturity of the   Fraunhofer ISE’s TestLab
                                    Tobias Neff, Solar Product
                                                                                        PV Modules verified the
                                                              module concept. Many
        the Fraunhofer              Manager at Bystronic, ex-  different TPedge design   durability of the TPedge
                                    plained, “With the TPedge
                                                                                        modules by exposing them
                                                              setups were tested using
                                    technology, the costs for   conventional  glass-foil-  to 400 temperature cycles
        Institute for Solar         the module production can   laminate and glass-glass-  (From 40 degrees below
                                    be lowered considerably   laminate modules as a ref-  zero and up to 85 degrees
        Energy Systems              – with an envisaged cy-   erence. The resistance to   Celsius) in the testing pro-
                                    cle time of 45 seconds per   hail and surface load were   cess.
        (Fraunhofer ISE) in         module line.“             also tested.              EXCELLENT
                                    The Fraunhofer ISE was    PROVEN AGEING             MECHANICAL
        Freiburg regarding          able to take automated pro-  RESISTANCE             RESISTANCE
                                    duction systems for TPedge
                                    modules into operation    In the humidity-heat test,   Resistance to mechanical
        the development of          in its Module Technol-    the TPedge modules with   loads and hail were con-
                                    ogy Center and use them to   various commercial cells   ducted at the Fraunhofer
        a process for the           manufacture various pro-  were subjected to a tem-  ISE   using  commercial
                                    totypes in different setups.   perature of 85 degrees Cel-  mounting systems. The
        industrial production       The industrial manufac-   sius and a relative humidity   modules were successfully
                                    turing processes have been   of 85 percent over a period   tested in various mounting
        of innovative PV            developed further and op-  of 4000 hours. The mod-  positions up to a maximum
                                    timized. The weight of the
                                                                                        load of 5400 Pascal units of
                                                              ules did not present any
                                    TPedge modules have been   changes when compared    pressure. Despite the fact
        modules based on a          reduced by 30 percent by   with initial output meas-  that the surface load tests
                                    utilising 2 millimetre thin   urements. In comparison,   were repeated numerous
        Fraunhofer patent.          glass. The prototypes that   the conventional modules   times, a change to the out-
                                    were manufactured togeth-  partially displayed consid-  put was not subsequently
        Numerous prototypes

        of these TPedge

        modules have now

        been subjected to

        comprehensive tests

        that confirm the

        high reliability of the

        module concept.

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