Page 67 - Glass-Technology International no. 2/2017
P. 67

Jason Sim
             Business Development
                  Manager           house applications, more                            aluminum or silver coat-
                DirACT Glass        sunlight passing through   MIRROR, MIRROR           ing on the rear surface of
                                                              ON THE WALL
                                    equals more solar energy                            the glass which reflects our
                                    being stored and so every   Back in the 1660s, mir-  image back through to us.
                                    photon of light counts. Ac-  rors were considered much   Mirrors now adorn many
           89% while low-iron glass   cording to Jim Koster of   prized items reserved only   walls in our buildings cre-
           which was developed in   JTB Glass, growers in Eu-  for royalty and the wealthy   ating’ interior space. Paul
           1987 for the pyramid in   rope are looking for good   elite. It was forbidden   Goudeau from Saint Gob-
           Louvre’s court yard has an   quality low-iron glass with   for any Venetian mirror   ain, a glass company that
           improved VLT of 91% and   an anti-reflective coating   artisan to practice their   recently celebrated more
           above, and also removes   that allows 97% of vis-  art outside Venice, the   than 350 years of making
           the green/blue hue that   ible light through, thus   first mirror capital of the   mirrors, said that his com-
           comes with normal glass.   increasing the productivity   world. Today mass pro-  pany is currently develop-
           In  commercial  green-   of the crops.             duction mirrors have an   ing a mirror that brings

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