Page 22 - Glass-Technology International no. 3/2017
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                                                PRESS GLASS   cludes 103 items. Therefore, we can say that we have over
                                                              100 ways to tackle noise,” says Tomasz Slusarek, PRESS
                              ACOUSTIC TESTS                  GLASS quality specialist, who is directly responsible for
           PRESS GLASS has recently added five new acoustic    The acoustic glazed units range has expanded its glazed
           glazed units to its product offering, with acoustic proper-  units and it now offers the acoustic glass unit configurator
           ties confirmed with applicable certificates.         as a free mobile app, the
           “Over the last several months we have expanded our range   PRESS GLASS MOBILE
           with approximately 30 new acoustic glazed units. In this   (for iOS and Android).
           way, we want to support our customers and provide them   The configurator includes a
           with top quality, certified products. By testing the new   complete range of certified
           glazed units we have extended our range and are providing   acoustic glazed units and
           our business partners with products of the highest quality.   facilitates selection based
           Our current range of acoustic glazed units already in-  on specified parameters.

                                                                  GLASTON      the Board of Directors to decide on
                                                                               the issuance of shares as well as the
                           RESOLUTIONS OF ANNUAL                               issuance of options and other rights
                                                                               entitling to shares. The authorisation
                                          GENERAL MEETING                      consists of up to 20,000,000 shares
                                                                               in the aggregate.
           The Annual General Meeting of                                       The authorisation does not ex-
           Glaston Corporation was held on 4                                   clude the Board of Directors’ right
           April 2017 in Helsinki.                                             to decide on a directed issue. The
           The General Meeting adopted the                                     authorisation was proposed to be
           financial statements and consolidated                                used for material arrangements from
           financial statements for the financial   that M.Sc.(Eng) Kai Mäenpää be   the company’s point of view, such as
           period from 1 January to 31 Decem-  elected as new member of the Board   financing or implementing business
           ber 2016. In accordance with the   of Directors for the same term.  arrangements or investments or for
           proposal of the Board of Directors,   In its organization meeting held after   other such purposes determined by
           the General Meeting resolved that no   the General Meeting, the Board of   the Board of Directors in which case
           dividend be distributed for the year   Directors elected Andreas Tallberg   a weighty financial reason for issuing
           2016.                             as Chairman of the Board and Teuvo   shares, options or other rights and
           The General Meeting discharged the   Salminen as Vice Chairman of the   possibly directing a share issue would
           members of the Board of Directors   Board.                          exist.
           and the President and CEO from    The General Meeting resolved that   The Board of Directors is authorised
           liability concerning the financial year   the yearly remuneration payable to   to resolve on all other terms and
           from 1 January to 31 December     the members of the Board of Direc-  conditions of the issuance of shares,
           2016.                             tors remain as follows: EUR 40,000   options and other rights entitling to
           The number of the members of the   for the Chairman of the Board and   shares as referred to in Chapter 10
           Board of Directors was resolved to be   EUR 30,000 for the Vice Chairman   of the Companies Act, including the
           seven. The General Meeting decided   of the Board and the remuneration   payment period, grounds for the de-
           to re-elect all current members of   payable to other members of the   termination of the subscription price
           the Board of Directors, Andreas   Board of Directors shall remain at   and subscription price or allocation
           Tallberg, Teuvo Salminen, Claus von   EUR 20,000.                   of shares, option or other rights free
           Bonsdorff, Ms. Anu Hämäläinen, Ms.   The General Meeting elected ac-  of charge or that the subscription
           Sarlotta Narjus and Pekka Vauramo,   counting firm Ernst & Young Oy as   price may be paid besides in cash
           as members of the Board of Directors   the company’s auditor with Author-  also by other assets either partially or
           for the following term ending at the   ised Public Accountant Kristina San-  entirely. The authorisation is effective
           closing of the next Annual General   din as the main responsible auditor.  until 30 June 2018. The authorisation
           Meeting. In addition, it was resolved   The General Meeting authorised   supersedes earlier authorisations.

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