Page 26 - Glass-Technology International no. 3/2017
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                                FUNGLASS     Phase2 to establish the Centre. Also,   Tasks between now and 2023 include
                                             the project has additional funding of at   creating and formalizing coordination
         RESEARCH CENTRE                     least EUR 10 million from the Ministry   and management structures of the new
                                             of Education, Science, Research and   Centre, building the premises, upgrad-
                  IN SLOVAKIA                Sports of the Slovak Republic.    ing the research infrastructure, and
                                             The lead institution for the project is   expanding staff capacity.
                  ESTABLISHED                the Alexander Dubcek University of   Special attention is paid to hiring
                                             Trencín, Slovakia, under the direction   outstanding researchers and engineers.
           The global glass community received   of D. Dusan Galusek.  Cooperating   Project leaders anticipate approxi-
           excellent news of a EUR 25 million   institutions and their lead investigators   mately 40 new jobs for researchers at
           investment in glass research to estab-  are Friedrich-Alexander University Er-  all career stages and auxiliary staff.
           lish the new Centre for Functional and   langen – Nuremberg, Germany (Aldo   Recruitment began in March 2017.
           Surface-Functionalized Glasses (Fun-  R. Boccaccini), Friedrich Schiller   The funding will allow partners to
           GLASS) in Trencín, Slovakia. The   University of Jena, Germany (Lothar   create a motivating environment not
           Centre includes partner institutions in   Wondraczek), Institute of Ceram-  only for researchers from the Slovak
           Germany, Spain, and Italy.        ics and Glass of Spanish National   Republic, as well as experts from
           The establishment of this European   Research Council in Madrid, Spain   other countries. The goal is to build
           centre boosts the momentum and    (Alicia Durán), and University of   a multidisciplinary, creative, highly
           importance of glass research on a   Padova, Italy (Enrico Bernardo).   competitive, and inspiring environment
           global scale. The purpose of the Centre   Research at the Centre will focus on   for conducting cutting edge research
           is to conduct cutting edge research   five main application areas: i) Bioma-  to develop glasses for a variety of ap-
           on glasses with special functional   terials/ materials for healthcare, (ii)   plications. Continuous education and
           properties, as well as investigate novel   Optical materials, including materials   training through extensive scientific
           strategies for functionalizing conven-  with luminescence properties, (iii)   exchange programs and the creation of
           tional glasses. The aim is to modify   Materials for energy-related applica-  international doctoral degree programs
           properties and add new functionalities   tions and low-carbon processing, (iv)   issuing double diplomas with project
           to expand the range of applications   Other functional materials (i.e. electric,   partner institutions will ensure
           in the optical, energy, structural, and   magnetic, etc.), and (v) Structural   that scientists and Ph.D. students
           biomedical sectors.               glass-based materials.            from the Centre develop the desired
           Prof. Galusek, director of the Centre,   Where applicable, areas will further   qualifications.
           says, “This Centre will be an important   divide horizontally, in terms of: a)   A kick-off meeting for the new Centre
           asset for the Slovak Republic mainly   processing and characterization, b)   in Trencín on 7-8 March 2017,
           due to the fact that it will participate   coatings and sol-gel methods, c) high-  included authorities from the Minis-
           in cutting edge research in coopera-  temperature processing, and additive   try of Education, Science, Research
           tion with some of the leaders in the   d) manufacturing approaches.  and Sports of the Slovak Republic,
           field, generating high added value in all   The core funding will be used to up-  representatives of the European Com-
           major activities, both in teaching, fun-  grade the existing National Glass Cen-  mission, authorities of the Alexander
           damental science, and industry-driven   tre in Trencín, Slovakia, and establish   Dubcek University of Trencín, and the
           research. The latter is ensured by close   an internationally recognized new hub   international partners from Germany,
           links of the Centre with the local glass   for research and innovation in glass.   Spain, and Italy.
           industry. We also believe the Centre is
           of importance for the glass technology
           sector. Its activities will be focused on                                                     IGCC
           those technologies where properties
           of glass can be substantially altered or       CERTIFIED PRODUCTS DIRECTORY
           new functionalities added by surface
           treatment, at low energy or material   The Insulating Glass Certification Council (IGCC) has released its bi-annual
           cost, to generate a host of applications   Certified Products Directory. The Directory is published bi-annually, lists approved
           for high-tech uses.”              products, and is distributed to door, sash and building manufacturers, glazing con-
           The European Commission H2020     tractors, homebuilders, architects, regulatory agencies and code-making groups.
           programme awarded EUR 15 million   Directory listings contain the licensee’s name, plant location and product descrip-
           under the scheme H2020-WIDE-      tion. More than 2,000 hard copies will be sent to stakeholders. The online search-
           SPREAD-01-2016-2017-Teaming-      able database can be easily accessed online at

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