Page 24 - Glass-Technology International no. 3/2017
P. 24



           AviationGlass & Technology (AGT)   AGT
           – a Dutch company specialized in the
           research, development and produc-  AEROGLASS MIRRORS
           tion of glass products for the aviation
           industry – announced that KLM is   FOR KLM’S BOEING 777-FLEET
           certifying AGT’s AeroGlass Mirrors
           for its Boeing 777 fleet retrofit pro-  and, whenever possible, during events   and UV-resistant, AeroGlass Mirrors
           gramme which aims to fully revamp   offering opportunities to promote the   create the ultimate on-board experi-
           interiors to ensure greater comfort   Netherlands. The plane debuted last   ence inside business and commercial
           for passengers. KLM will be the first   year and was operated on the Rio de   aircraft by providing superior optical
           commercial airline in the world to   Janeiro-Amsterdam route during the   quality via crystal-clear reflections.
           upgrade its commercial Boeing 777   2016 Olympic Games. KLM used     Cost of ownership and maintenance
           fleet with the new, ultra-thin and   the plane to bring home the Dutch   are significantly reduced due to the
           lightweight AeroGlass products inside   Olympic heroes on what was called   product’s high level of durability and
           the cabin.                        the “Medal Flight.”                resistance to scratching when clean-
           AeroGlass Mirrors will first be    AeroGlass is the world’s only certi-  ing and handling. AeroGlass Mirrors
           installed in the lavatories of KLM’s   fied ultra-thin and lightweight glass   are available in any colour and when
           famous ‘Orange Pride’ – the airline’s   product for aircraft interiors. Up to   combined with integrated lighting
           orange and blue Boeing 777-300 PH-  50% thinner and 25% lighter than   feature provides high quality brand-
           BVA by the end of 2017. KLM’s Or-  traditional polycarbonate products   ing and luxurious personalization
           ange aircraft is used on routine flights   yet highly robust as well as scratch   opportunities.

                                               VITRO ARCHITECTURAL GLASS       ing sponsor of Pittsburgh’s Living
                                                                               Product Hub. “First as PPG Glass
                              FOUNDING SPONSOR OF                              and now as Vitro Glass, our com-
                                                                               pany has been part of the city’s
          PITTSBURGH’S LIVING PRODUCT HUB                                      fabric since 1883. Our products are
                                                                               integral to the performance of Pitts-
                                                                               burgh’s most globally recognized
           Vitro Architectural Glass (formerly                                 green buildings, including the Center
           PPG Glass) has been named the                                       for Sustainable Landscapes, David
           first founding sponsor of the Living                                 L. Lawrence Convention Center and
           Product Hub in Pittsburgh, which                                    The Tower at PNC Plaza, considered
           opened on 18 April. The Interna-                                    the world’s greenest office tower. We
           tional Living Future Institute (ILFI)                               look forward to supporting the ILFI
           and Pittsburgh’s Green Building                                     and GBA as they promote Pitts-
           Alliance (GBA) are establishing the   imperatives in seven building per-  burgh’s legacy as a centre for green
           hub to accelerate the development of   formance categories including place,   building innovation.”
           regenerative buildings and manufac-  energy, water, health and happiness,   James Connelly, director of the
           turing.                           materials, equity, and beauty.    Living Product Challenge for ILFI,
           Co-located on Pittsburgh’s South   The Center for Sustainable Land-  said Vitro Glass is the perfect fit as
           Side with the GBA, the hub will   scapes at Phipps Conservatory in   a founding sponsor for Pittsburgh’s
           serve as a centre of education and   Pittsburgh is one of the few buildings   Living Product Hub. “Vitro Glass
           outreach, connecting innovative   in the world to achieve the highest   products have been used on three
           buildings, communities, and projects   LBC certification. Contributing to its   buildings around the world that are
           to ILFI’s global network. It will be   achievement are high-performance   certified at the LBC’s highest level,
           one of four such centres in the US.  Solarban  60, Sungate  400 and   an achievement that speaks not just
           ILFI is known worldwide for       Starphire                         to the company’s commitment to
           administering the Living Building   Ultra-Clear™ glasses by Vitro Glass.  making sustainable glass products,
           Challenge (LBC), a rigorous green   Richard A. Beuke, vice president,   but to the high level of trust archi-
           building certification program that   Vitro Architectural Glass, said Vitro   tects and practitioners have in their
           requires buildings to comply with 20   Glass is honoured to be a found-  performance.”

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