Page 51 - Glass-Technology International no. 3/2017
P. 51

ing is inextricably linked
                                                                                        into this business. Our
                                                                                        working relationship with
                                                                                        the Bystronic team is more
                                                                                        of a partnership and it is
                                                                                        one we trust in implicitly,”
                                                                                        he concludes.
                                                                                        For Steve Powell, Manag-
                                                                                        ing Director at Bystronic
                                                                                        glass UK Ltd., providing
                                                                                        the highest standard pro-
                                                                                        ducts is a corporate phi-
                                                                                        losophy that is mirrored
                                                                                        at the leading machinery
                                                                                        He comments, “Bystronic
                                                                                        glass provides customers
                                                                                        with efficient tailor-made
                                                                                        solutions that will achieve
                                                                                        optimum results. We also
                                                                                        believe our engineering
                                                                                        support is vital for our
                                                                                        customers and we invest
                                                                                        in our team to provide
                                                                                        those customers with ex-
                                                                                        cellent services and tech-
                                                                                        nical advice both during
                                                                                        installation and in after
                                                                                        sales field work.”

                                                                                            Bystronic glass UK Lt tdddt

           an alliance than a customer   stantial time saving benefits   TRUST
           - supplier association.   in a number of ways, includ-  AND RELIABILITY
           “Getting things right is    ing internal efficiency, as
           vital and it is a huge part of   nothing can be lost.    Over the last 21 years the
           the decision making pro-  Paul continues, “We have   company has grown sub-            Because we care
           cess for me. We can only   been able to restructure   stantially and Paul believes   Hortonwood 30
           do that on equipment that   the company, take on new   that this can be put down   Telford - Shropshire
           works reliably. Bystronic   staff but also reduce shifts,   to customer care and reli-  TF1 7ET - UK
           has never let us down and   which we can put back if   able engineering.         Tel: +44 - 01952 - 677971
                                                                                            Contact:  Steve Powell
           the initial Speedline instal-  needed. Our entire manu-  “For a company such as
           lation has brought such an   facturing procedure is in-  this, we need to know that
           incredible return on invest-  credibly fast now, which is   we can rely on our supplier
           ment,” he comments.       helping us to reduce costs   if we have to change things
           This installation brings sub-  all round.”          quickly. Quality engineer-

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