Page 55 - Glass-Technology International no. 3/2017
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products worldwide. The   furnace and the choice fell
           company ordered a glass   on the LandGlass Cyclone
           tempering furnace from    series.
           LandGlass in 2008. Eight   HIGH-TECH
           years of reliable opera-  SAFEGUARDING
           tion generates consider-  HIGH QUALITY
           able amount of profits for
           them. During the period,   Today, thanks to continu-
           the company has enjoyed   ous technology innovation   the appropriate param-  will continue enhancing
           fast growth and is now    and improvement, Land-    eters for the glass based   its production efficiency
           planning a new modern     Glass has successfully    on the data received.    and product quality.
           factory in Moscow.        achieved their goals and   Relying on the advanced
           In the meantime, the local   made the entire glass tem-  technology  safeguarding
           market demand for glass   pering process in Cyclone   the high quality, including
           curtain walls has increased   more transparent, orderly,   isoTherm™, Cyclone™ con-
           tremendously. Increased   and easy to operate. Work-  vection, StraightEdge™, Ge-  Landglass Technology
           also is the application of   ers stack the glass sheet to   niusCool™, ThermoLock™,     Co. Ltd
           larger-size glass, resulting   be tempered on Cyclone’s   and EnergySave™ technol-
           in higher quality require-  loading table and press the   ogy, along with the intel-
           ments for tempered glass.   start button. The eVision   ligent eAdapt™ system,
           The head of the company,   device on the loading ta-  automated operation has
           Mr. Alexander, deeply un-  ble is turned on and starts   been realized in Cyclone se-
           derstands that high-tech   to identify the specifica-  ries based on the data and   Guangjian Building , No 12,
           safeguards high quality.   tions, types of glass sheet   the system, freeing workers   Wangcheng Road
           To stay in line with the   when the glass passing by.   from many tedious and so-  Luoyang 471000 -
           market needs, and accel-  The data detected will be   phisticated works.        Henan Province - China
                                                                                           Tel.: +86 - 379 - 65298883
           erate the pace of corpo-  transmitted to the operat-  In the upcoming years,
                                                                                           Fax: +86 - 379 - 63910869
           rate development, there   ing system. In the blink of   equipped with this new   E-mail:
           is an urgent need for the   an eye, the eAdapt system   LandGlass Cyclone series
           company to acquire a      can determine the most    glass tempering furnace,
           high end glass tempering   suitable settings and select   Moscow Mirror Factory

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