Page 53 - Glass-Technology International no. 3/2017
P. 53
The FLOATSCAN Color inspection system captures
color defects in the coating of the float glass
ULLY a very early production
AUTOMATED stage, avoiding the need
F SOLUTIONS for manual inspection pro-
Defects such as colour in- cesses. The system ena-
consistencies can occur bles users to control and
during the pyrolytic coat- optimize the process in
ing of glass ribbons in the real time and to take ap-
line. In order to prevent de- propriate countermeasures
fective material being pro- in due time in the case of
cessed such coating defects serial defects. Maintenance
need to be taken into ac- activities of the coating line
count when the panes are can be planned better and
cut. In many cases, such the quality data obtained
defects are caused by er- can be used to optimize
rors in the coating process. production processes in a
To meet these challenges, targeted manner.
ISRA offers fully-automat- Quality data on the coat-
ed solutions that ensure ing is used to accurately
full-area inspection for col- determine the quality of the
our defects. FLOATSCAN goods produced, to ensure
Color reliably detects all that products fully meet the
defects such as coloured customers’ expectations
zebra striping, colour lines and to eliminate the risk of
and spots on the entire glass complaints.
pane. It can both be used as
a stand-alone system and
integrated with the all-in- Isra Vision AG
one FLOATSCAN 5D so-
lution. Colour inspection is
implemented by means of a
colour camera and ISRA’s
Frame Grabber solution,
which has proven successful
in many applications.
Albert Einstein-Allee 36-40
EARLY IDENTIFICA- 45699 Herten - Germany
TION OF DEFECTS Tel.: 0049-2366-93000
Perfect quality, maximum output – 100% Fax: 0049-2366-9300230
inline inspection of color, coating, Colour defects are au- E-mail:
surface and other glass defect. tomatically identified at
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