Page 67 - Glass-Technology International no. 3/2017
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                                                          MARKET AND

                              2017                        INDUSTRIAL

                                                          TRENDS, NEEDS

             At this year’s China Glass, exhibitors

             and visitors had the chance to see           AND DEMANDS

             for themselves how the global glass

             sector is continuing to develop

             and respond not only to its market

             and industry, but also to reducing

             excessive production capacity and

             promoting the structural reform of

             the supply side.

               HE CHINESE            ganizer steadily promoted   authoritative and profes-  is facing some serious in-
           TSOCIETY                  its preparation and organi-  sional platform which cov-  dustrial situations such as
                                     zation work based on the   ers the whole glass industry   excess production capacity,
           The 28th China Interna-   concept of professionaliza-  chain.                imbalance between sup-
           tional Glass Industial Tech-  tion,  internationalization  CHINA’S GLASS     ply and demand, decreas-
           nical Exhibition (China   and scale-up development.   INDUSTRY TRENDS        ing benefits, the slow pace
           Glass 2017) took place at   This exhibition showcase                         of structural adjustment
           China International Exhi-  innovative development of   Following on from rapid   and upgrading, and lack of
           bition Center (New Venue)   the global glass industry in   long-term  development,  creativity for new demand.
           24-27 May 2017. The or-   all aspects and provide an   the Chinese glass industry   2017 is a year for an in-

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