Page 65 - Glass-Technology International no. 3/2017
P. 65

cated at the bottom of the   plications. Glass is strong
           slopes of the prestigious   BOE  EVSBCMF   *O  GBDU
           $PVSDIFWFM  TLJ  TUBUJPO  JO   inch glass treads are up to
           UIF  'SFODI  "MQT   5IF  DMJ-  three times stronger than
           FOU DIPTF $SZTUBM MPX JSPO   granite or stone, and they
           HMBTT  PG     w     NN    DBO CFBS B MPBE PG       MCT
           thickness combined with   BU  UIF  DFOUFS  PG  B     JODI
           /BUVSB  UFYUVSF   .BJMIPU T   wide tread.
           handcrafted artistic edge   1IPUP   (   1SPVMY     4UVEJP
           treatment evokes perfectly   1PJOU EF 7VF   XXX TUVEJ-
           heights. The addition of
           BO JOUFHSBUFE -&% MJHIUJOH   Distinctive
           system enhances the glass   This small ordinary desk
           application and creates a   instantly  became  the
           warm and modern atmos-    room’s centerpiece by add-
           phere at the same time.   ing a glass top. Visually
                                     spectacular, easy to main-  UJPO PO UIF *DF UFYUVSF  5IF   perfected the creation
           Functional Art
                                     tain and impossible to stain,   -&%  MJHIUT  CSJOH  UIJT   w   of unique glass pieces in
            ThinkGlass thermoformed   this strikingly beautiful   thick pure glass to life even   nearly unlimited shapes and
           glass island top for which   piece of glass commands   more.                 UIJDLOFTTFT   FWFO      BOE
           (MBTT  "SUJTU  .BJMIPU  SF-  the attention of any visitor.                     JODI HMBTT DPVOUFSUPQT PS
           ceived carte blanche from   "MTP TIPXO JT UIF TUBJOMFTT   Spectacular artistic glass by   tabletop. The end result is
           the client in regards to the   steel bar, also produced by   Mailhot         simply stunning, each piece
           art work to be incorpo-   ThinkGlass, that houses the   “We had a wonderful fund-  a meticulous unique mas-
           rated into the application.   -&% MJHIUT            raiser event here last night   terpiece that celebrates the
           Transparency and colours   %FTJHOFE  BOE  JOTUBMMFE  CZ   with two very famous Ha-  possibilities of design.
           provide an outstandingly   ,ZSB  *OD      1IPUP  CZ  ,ZSB   waiian chefs cooking at our
           luminous contrast to this   *OD                     home. One was so blown   Glass walkway
           distinguished kitchen.                              away with the countertop   Glass allows light to flow
                                     Glass bridge - Outdoor
                                                               that she served her pupus   through the floor creating
           Artistry and design
                                     4QBOOJOH B QPPM PG IFBUFE   [Hawaiian appetizers] in   a very airy and luxurious
           %FTJHOFS -PSJ $BSSPMM  GSPN   XBUFS  BU  4QB  .BUIFST  $JFM   the kitchen directly on the   EXFMMJOH   "T  OBUVSBM  MJHIU
           -PSJ $BSSPMM   "TTPDJBUFT JO   /PSEJRVF   UIJT  CFBVUJGVM   HMBTT  TVSGBDF   &WFSZPOF   permeates the space, it pro-
           5VDTPO ";  XPO UIJSE QMBDF   DSFBUJPO  JT  NBEF  CZ  #BU-  stood around the counter-  duces different moods and
           JO UIF /,#"      "XBSET   UJH %FTJHO JO DPMMBCPSBUJPO   top, which shined through   forms a seamless transition
           GPS  UIF  1PXEFS  3PPN  DBU-  XJUI  /JBUSVTT  BOE  5IJOL-  the plates as the chef pre-  between rooms. Glass can
           egory. The designer  in-  Glass.                    TFOUFE  IFS  GPPE w     ,    also be used in landings
           corporated in its design a   %FTJHOFS  "OJ (FSWBJT  "S-  -MPZE  PXOFS        and ‘see-throughs’ from
           beautiful ThinkGlass vanity   DIJUFDUT   4FSHF  'BMBSEFBV   %FTJHO  $PMMBCPSBUJPO  XJUI   one floor to another to add
           application.                 (SPVQF  'BMBSEFBV   $PO-  0XOFS  ,BZ  -MPZE   "4*%   even more visual interest.
                                     TUSVDUPS  -FT $POTUSVDUJPOT   BOE  ,JUDIFO  %FTJHOFS    %FTJHOFE  CZ  UIF  %FCPOP
           Impressive glass treads
                                     /JBUSVTT *OD  -PDBUJPO  4U   Michelle Wagner of Wag-  #SPUIFST  /:$  /:
            ThinkGlass’ glass treads   &VTUBDIF  2D $BOBEB     OFS  1BDJmD  (SPVQ  --$
           have a polished edge in-                            $BCJOFUSZ CZ )FSUDP ,JUDI-
           stead of distracting lami-  Never seen before glass  FOT --$   1IPUP CZ PXOFS
           nation lines, which passed   "NB[JOH  HMBTT  DPVOUFSUPQ
           a multitude of safety tests   for a beautiful kitchen full   Thick table top
           and are perfect for com-  of textures. The Texture   Through its technological
           mercial and residential ap-  used for the glass is a varia-  expertise, ThinkGlass has

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