Page 64 - Glass-Technology International no. 3/2017
P. 64


                                                               UXP NBDIJOF UPPMT  $/$     SOME OF THE
                                                               IFMQJOH UP TBWF      HBMMPOT   COMPANY’S MAIN
                                                               a minute or just over one   PROJECTS
                                                               Olympic swimming pool
                                                               every month.             Spectacular Glass Countertop
                                                                                        This glass countertop and
                                                               WHY USE GLASS            waterfall leg have been
                                                               FOR KITCHEN OR           elaborated to create a mod-
                                                               BATHROOM                 ern look and enhance the
                                                                                        refined design of this luxu-
                                                               t 8PX  GBDUPS  UIBU  NBLFT   rious and contemporary
                                                                it the focal point of the   residence. The client opt-
                                                                kitchen                 FE GPS B  w    NN  UIJDL
                                                               t )JHI FOE BQQFBSBODF    $SZTUBM  HMBTT  DPNCJOFE
                                                               t .BJOUFOBODF GSFF       XJUI  7BHB  UFYUVSF   -BUFSBM
                                                               t /PO QPSPVT    NBLJOH   ThinkGlass panels are ex-
                                                                it suitable for Kosher   tremely resistant and allow
                                                                kitchens                to conceive an entirely cus-
                                                               t .PTU  IZHJFOJD  DPVOUFS-  tom and functional design.
                                                                top on the market       "SDIJUFDU %FTJHOFS    3(
                                                               t /P $SPTT DPOUBNJOBUJPO  %FTJHO   .JDIJHBO  1IPUP
                                                               t $BO  FOEVSF  IJHI  IFBU   $SFEJU         (JMCFSUTPO
                                                                without  cracking  or   1IPUPHSBQIZ
                                                               t *NQPTTJCMF UP TUBJO    Majestic Balustrades
                                                               t 5FYUVSFE  mOJTIFE  VO-  Majestic thermoformed ar-
                                                                derneath that masks fin-  tistic glass balustrade creat-
                                                                gerprints, common wear   ed and produced by Think-
                                                                and allows scratches to   (MBTT  (MBTT  "SUJTU  .BJMIPU
                                                                go unnoticed            made of unique glass panels
                                                               t $BO CF FEHF MJU UP USBOT-  all different from one an-
                                                                form the countertop,    PUIFS   *UT  EFQMPZNFOU  PO
                                                                creating a floating and   several levels enhances the
                                                                ethereal beauty         elegance of this beautiful
                                                                                        staircase combining modern
                                                               WHY USE GLASS IN         and classic style. The trans-
                                                               ARCHITECTURAL            lucence of the glass allows
                                                                                        natural light to travel in the
                                                               t .PTU OPCMF NBUFSJBM    space while preserving the
                                                               t 2VBMJUZ  PG  HMBTT   USBOT-  level of intimacy requested
                                                                parence, brightness     by the client. The rounded
                                                               t 5IFSF JT OP GBLF  OP JNJ-  panels emphasize the or-
                                                                tation, no plastic      ganic characteristics of this
                                                               t HMBTT  DBO  CF  VTFE  JO  BMM   custom texture created spe-
                                                                types  of  applications  cifically for this project.
                                                                (countertops, freedstand-  THINKGLASS
                                                                ing walls, signage, etc.)
                                                               t      SFDZDMBCMF        IN EUROPE
                                                               t $BO  CF  VTFE  UP  BEE   #BS QSPKFDU DSFBUFE GPS UIF
                                                                -&&% QPJOUT               TUBS "OOBQVSB IPUFM  MP-

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