Page 36 - Glass-Technology International no. 6/2017
P. 36

                  AND TECHNOLOGY

           The innovative charac-
           ter of Cugher’s solutions
           has also declined in this
           regard: through a remote
           connection service with
           the machine, Cugher pro-
           vides real-time software
           intervention by providing a
           very useful tool to the end
           user, that can be available
           together with the machine
           or line purchased.
           The remote connection
           that Cugher offers to cus-
           tomers is a virtually se-
           cure VPN (virtual private
           network)     connection:
           anywhere in the world the
           line is located, an internet
           connection is enough to
           allow Cugher Software En-
           gineers to operate directly
           by remote, resolving 80 per
           cent of support requests.
           The remote connection al-
           lows Cugher engineers to
           intervene promptly to as-  This type of remote sup-  PREDICTIVE              the continuous checking of
           sist and support the cus-  port via internet connec-  MAINTENANCE            the production quality are
           tomer if incorrect settings   tion (for the operation it   SOFTWARE          obtained.
           or incorrect recipe param-  is necessary to connect the   Aside from remote sup-  Through a remote inter-
           eters  or unsuitable opera-  machine to an Ethernet   port, Cugher is implement-  face, the process and main-
           tions are entered with con-  port) could be perceived   ing predictive maintenance   tenance data can be made
           sequent alarm occurrence,   by the customer as a weak   software to anticipate any   available to the company
           thus providing an immedi-  point to the confidentiality   machine service requests   information system and
           ate problem solving and a   protection of company’s   through usage statistics   used for programming and
           considerable cut-off of the   sensitive  data.  Cugher  (standard  maintenance  planning of production.
           line downtime, safeguard-  guarantees total safety of   warnings such as: lubri-
           ing productivity. From    intervention  procedures  cation, IR/UV lamp re-
           remote, it is possible to   through an exclusive ac-  placement, filter cleaning/
           adjust the printing param-  cess to the PLC of which   change, verification  of belts   Cugher Glass Srl
           eters: speed, pressure, cen-  the machine is equipped.  and carpets tensioning).
           tering and pre-centering of   The Italian company works   The production line is pre-
           glass and any other avail-  with multinational corpo-  arranged with a software
           able function. In addition,   rations that have strict se-  interface that allows access
           the VPN access is useful   curity policies and regular-  to process data. In this way   Via G. di Vittorio, 70
           for subsequent upgrading   ly rely on Cugher’s remote   the necessary data for the   20026 Novate Milanese (MI) - Italy
           of software functions.    software interventions.  line maintenance and for    Tel.: +39 - 02 - 66207762
                                                                                          Fax: +39 - 02 - 66202917

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