Page 39 - Glass-Technology International no. 6/2017
P. 39

Non-invasive device measuring
                                                      ionized gas emission spectrum

           THE AUTHOR

                                     station, or manually to the   NON-INVASIVE         means that the IGU cannot
          Mauri Saksala has been working
                                     ready-made  units.  The   VS. INVASIVE GAS         be delivered to the custom-
          in the glass industry for over 25
          years. He is currently working as   challenges are confirming   CONCENTRATION   er or retested.
          Sales Director for Sparklike Oy.  the correct filling degree   MEASUREMENT     The non-invasive method
                                     and ensuring that the ini-  The actual argon measure-  allows measuring the glass
                                     tial gas concentration will   ment can be conducted   without breaking the IGU.
                                     remain inside the insulating   either with an invasive or   The most commonly used
                                     glass unit (IGU). A gas es-  non-invasive method. The   non-invasive method uti-
                                     cape could occur from im-  invasive method penetrates   lizes a spark that is ignited
                                     proper sealing of the IGU,   through the sealing of the   through the glass. Based
                                     and this needs to be tested   insulating glass unit and   on the colour of the ionized
                                     prior to shipping the IG to   the gas sample is calculated   gas, the argon content is cal-
                                     customers. Product liability   automatically.      culated automatically. This
                                     for the insulating glass and   These invasive technolo-  method is fast and accurate
                                     window suppliers can last   gies are generally afford-  and used widely on double-
                                     several years after the ini-  able and robust technolo-  glazed units as measuring
                                     tial delivery of the product.   gies with good accuracy,   can be carried out from
                                     Thus, insulating glass and   but require breaking the IG   monolithic glass side for the
                                     window suppliers are look-  structure. In practice this   non-coated surfaces. The
                                     ing ways to increase the se-
                                     curity of the gas fill.
           in both heated and cooled   Even though clear stand-
           buildings.  The  energy   ards do not exist in all are-
           properties can be enhanced   as, the industry and manu-
           with  various  methods,   facturers have formed best
           such as coatings, multiple   practices to produce high
           glass layers and inserting   quality insulating glass.
           a medium in between. The   The fact that small mol-
           medium can be normal air,   ecule gas is prone to leak-
           vacuum or specific gas –   age is a challenge, and thus
           typically argon or krypton.   manufacturers aim to en-
           These insulating gases are   sure the maximum possible
           applied to the cavity either   content of argon after the
           during the manufactur-    gas filling – typically 95 per
           ing process at gas press   cent and higher.

                                                                                          Traditional invasive oxygen testing device
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