Page 40 - Glass-Technology International no. 6/2017
P. 40
and harmonic changes in
signal it can determine the
oxygen content inside the
cavity. Oxygen concentra-
tion can be then converted
into insulation gas percent-
age. The most commonly
used gases are argon and
Having gas content infor-
mation from every piece
of the unit produced can
be used in efficient quality
control of the production
line. The laser-based system
is possible to be installed
How laser measures coated triple online and connected to the
glazed units non-invasively production control software
or to the control system of
the production line. Qual-
ity control in today’s fac-
tory operations plays an
ever-increasing role that is
not only seen as eliminating
the rejects but also as a sales
“The new non-invasive test-
ing method makes it possi-
ble to measure gas concen-
tration on even the most
complex insulating glass
structures and deliver tested
products to end-users.”
Sparklike Oy y
non-invasive method can solves the issues attached quality assurance of these
be repeated as many times to currently used methods high performing glazing
as the quality system or the to test insulating glass gas units at pair with advanced
end-user requires. The limi- concentration. The new product expectations. As
tation of spark technology is laser-based technology is the laser technology meas-
that it can measure double- capable to measure non- ures, non-invasively the
glazed units with just one invasively through coatings oxygen level, it can meas-
low-E coating. and laminations. ure the percentage of any
The new technology al- gas.
LASER-BASED lows testing of complicated The new technology ap-
structures, such as energy plies modulated laser beam
The latest advancement efficient triple glazed units. into the IG, and by measur-
in measuring technology This brings the level of ing the reflection, intensity Hermannin rantatie 12 A 21
00580 Helsinki – Finland
Tel.: +358-10-3877701
Fax: +358-10-3877707
38 Glass-Technology International 6/2017