Page 16 - Glass-Technology International no. 1/2018
P. 16



           Xinyi Glass Holdings plans to devel-  XINYI GLASS HOLDINGS
           op its first North American manufac-
           turing facility - a float glass plant - in   NEW FLOAT PLANT IN CANADA
           Ontario. The partnership will create
           400 jobs for Ontario workers.     opened in 2013, and                            includes a higher
           Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne    discussed their plan to                        minimum wage and
           has announced business agreements   expand their Ontario                         better working condi-
           exceeding CAD 1 billion between On-  IFBERVBSUFST BU .B34                        tions, free tuition for
           tario and Chinese organizations. The   to include a business                     hundreds of thousands
           Premier met with Xinyi Glass Hold-  centre with clini-                           of students, easier
           ings to discuss their commitment   cal testing facilities.                       access to affordable
           to investing in Ontario. Xinyi has   The CAD 15 million                          child care, and free
           selected Ontario as the location for   investment will create                    prescription drugs for
           its first North American manufactur-  an estimated 50 high-                       everyone under 25
           ing facility, a large float glass plant.   value jobs in Ontario.                 through the biggest
           Xinyi’s planned CAD 450 million   Premier Wynne then                             expansion of medicare
           investment, outlined in an agreement   met with Lou Qinjian,                     in a generation.
           in principle signed between Xinyi and   Party Secretary of Jiangsu, and Wu   *O       0OUBSJP DFMFCSBUFE UIF   UI
           the province, would create 400 jobs   Zhenglong, Governor of Jiangsu,   anniversary of its sister relationship
           in Ontario.                       to discuss Ontario and Jiangsu’s   with the province of Jiangsu. Ontario
           At a signing ceremony in Nanjing,   successful sister relationship and   and Jiangsu first formalized their
           Ontario and Chinese organizations   promote Ontario as an ideal trading   ‘twinning’ relationship in November
           announced another 32 agreements,   QBSUOFS BOE DPMMBCPSBUPS JO 3 %    1985 with the signing of the Ontario-
           which are expected to create more   technology and education.        Jiangsu Friendship Accord in To-
           than 700 jobs in Ontario, including:  Earlier in the day, Premier Wynne   ronto.
           t 0OUBSJP T 0XOBDF *OUFSOBUJPOBM   visited Nanjing Huiwen School,    /BOKJOH JT IPNF UP LFZ 3 % DFOUSFT
             Group signed a CAD 10 million   whose staff have been trained in On-  JO BSFBT PG FMFDUSPOJDT  *5  TPGUXBSF
             agreement with Shanghai Golden   tario, to see first-hand how Ontario’s   biotech and pharmaceuticals. Hua-
             8JOH *OEVTUSJBM UP PQFO VQ $IJOB T   teaching methods are being imple-  wei, ZTE and Lenovo all have estab-
             East Territory as a market for their   mented in Nanjing.          MJTIFE 3 % JOTUJUVUFT JO UIF DJUZ
             Ontario-grown premium food      Opening doors for international in-  For two straight years, Ontario has
             ingredients;                    vestment to grow the economy is part   XPO 4JUF 4FMFDUJPO .BHB[JOF T $BOB-
           t .D.BTUFS 6OJWFSTJUZ FOUFSFE JOUP   of Ontario’s plan to create fairness   dian Competitiveness Award for being
             a CAD 5 million agreement with   and opportunity during this period   the best place in Canada to make a
             Dajiang Environmental Corpora-  of rapid economic change. The plan   new business investment.
             tion to collaborate in the research,
             development and commercializa-
             tion of smart water technology                                                   NSG/PILKINGTON
             and related sensor technologies.
             Dajiang will also set up a subsidi-    REOPENING OF OTTAWA PLANT
             focused on research and technology   NSG Group/Pilkington T 0UUBXB  *MMJOPJT nPBU HMBTT QMBOU XBT TDIFEVMFE UP
             development;                    reopen in December 2017, according to company officials. The plant was dam-
             with the province of Jiangsu to   “The Pilkington North America Ottawa plant is in the final stages of repairing
             fuel innovation, collaboration and   the damages caused by the February 2017 tornado, which included replacing
             economic growth in both regions.  the damaged roof and walls, significant investments in equipment, and other
           Premier Wynne also met with       XPSL w TBZT 3JDIBSE "MUNBO  SFHJPOBM EJSFDUPS  "SDIJUFDUVSBM (MBTT /PSUI "NFS-
           representatives from Toronto-based   JDB  1JMLJOHUPO /PSUI "NFSJDB *OD  i#FDBVTF PG UIF FYUFOEFE EPXOUJNF  UIF
           Geneseeq, a leading health solutions   decision was made to move forward on a full furnace rebuild. Once all repairs
           company that specializes in personal-  are finished, it is still projected the plant will restore production in December. A
           ized cancer care. The Premier toured   real positive is that we have been able to keep our employees working through-
           their Chinese headquarters, which   out the process.”

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