Page 18 - Glass-Technology International no. 1/2018
P. 18




           We are used to the term ‘Made in Italy’   is partnership. We choose to guaran-  “Mappi customers’ needs are always
           to represent high quality in fashion,   tee extreme quality in everything we   at our core,” says Sergio Cosano,
           food, lifestyle, and in accuracy. But   do, in manufacturing, in design, and   Mappi sales manager: “From design
           what does this term really mean in the   in technology. Because being Italian   to assistance, every question we ask
           world of glass tempering?         means also thinking outside the box   ourselves and every answer we pro-
           Mappi is 100% an Italian brand with   with creative solutions: we have a lot   vide must consider quality.”
           a unique characteristic: in-house pro-  of patents for our innovations like   “Every single component, and every
           duction for everything, without sub-  GHBS, Removal Heating Chamber,   person who works for Mappi is re-
           contracting or assembling modules   MHS, HIS, etc.                  sponsible for the quality of a valid
           built elsewhere. This allows Mappi   All of these have been designed to   brand, because the solutions that we
           to guarantee full quality control over   reduce time, costs, and energy in glass   offer on the market are authentic.”
           each component and to ensure the   production. At the same time, we are   “We are ready and happy for all the
           perfect functioning at the same time.  increasing quality in finished products   new challenges we face. Because we
           Each furnace is built and checked   and focusing greater attention to the   can’t stand still: we’re not content to
           on-site. It is then dismantled, scru-  environment. Thus, the foundation of   stop there, our aim is to go always
           pulously packed, and shipped to the   our innovations is quality.”  beyond glass excellence,” concludes
           customer’s premises where Mappi’s   This spring will be Mappi’s 25th anni-  Nancy Mammaro.
           staff skillfully reassemble it.   versary: “I can proudly say my dream   It’s not just Made in Italy, it’s Made
           This guarantees perfect functioning,   has come to a reality, and I want to   in Mappi!
           glass after glass, tempering after tem-  say thank you to all of our people. It
           pering. Each furnace is Made in Italy,   is because of them we are a leader in
           but primarily, Made in Mappi.     tempering furnaces.”
           We met Nancy Mammaro, Mappi       Those who choose Mappi, have cho-
           CEO, to understand her vision. “My   sen the finest in glass tempering and
           first ambition was to make Mappi   can expect the extreme quality and
           synonymous of extreme quality.    reliability of the machinery.
           As everybody recognizes Valen-    “Our products and our people are the
           tino for a perfect dress, everybody   expression of our way of living and fo-
           would recognize Mappi for a perfect   cused on going beyond the perfection
           tempering furnace. Just as a perfect   of glass. For us, the greatest reward is
           dress, a Mappi tempering furnace is   to hear from customers we are all very
           tailor-made for its customer’s specific   hardworking, patient, knowledgeable
           needs: this is customer care, and this   and very kind.”

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