Page 20 - Glass-Technology International no. 1/2018
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                                                      SARATOVSTROYSTEKLO       first large-scale project to produce
                                                                               energy-saving glass in the region. It is
                  PRODUCTION OF ENERGY-SAVING                                  expected that the plant’s products will
                                                                               be used in construction, not only in
                                  GLASS TO START IN 2019                       the Saratov region, but also exported
                                                                               to other regions and abroad.
           JSC Saratovstroysteklo plans to mod-  meters of high-tech glass per year.   According to the Ministry of Industry
           ernize its production facilities - there   “At the moment, the company has   and Energy of the region, the factory
           will be new workshops with equipment   received a soft loan worth RUB 500   for the production of window glass
           for the production of energy-saving   million from the Russian Industry   was established in Saratov in 1958.
           glass. The total investment in the   Development Fund. Now the con-  At that time, it was the largest factory
           project is more than RUB 1.5 billion.   struction of the shop is ongoing,   in Europe with a continuous glass
           “The company is expected to reach its   equipment is being purchased,”   rolling system and a total area of 560
           full capacity in 2019,” according to the   Kulikov added.           square meters. At the moment, JSC
           Minister of Industry and Energy of the   According to the                    Saratovstroysteklo is one
           region Andrey Kulikov.            minister, 23 new                           of the largest manufactur-
           He specified that the volume of    high-tech jobs will be                     ers of sheet glass in Rus-
           production will be 8 million square   created. This is the                   sia, it employs 445 people.

           Cefla’s new CEO is Andrea Formica, appointed by the   CEFLA
           Board of Directors following an extensive evaluation and
           search for a leader with an international background. He   NEW CEO APPOINTED
           will take office as of January 2018.
           Andrea Formica was born in Venice in 1961 and holds a
           degree in Economics at Siena University and an MBA at   President of the Board of Directors, “was appointed fol-
           the Bocconi School of Management. Andrea Formica can   lowing an extensive evaluation and search for a leader with
           count on a strong experience in the automotive sector,   an international background and high profile experience,
           where he held several international positions, that, in 1999   familiar with complex industrial environments and able to
           at the young age of 38, led him to become Chairman and   bring a strategic approach to our business. It is very im-
           MD of Ford Italy. He was then Senior Vice President at   portant that the vision of the new CEO fits in with Cefla’s:
           Toyota Motor Europe in Brussels, and following that, he   creating value over time, focusing on strategies sustain-
           was appointed as CEO at Fiat Automobiles, with respon-  able in the mid-to-long term instead of short term results.
           sibility for the group’s sales as well as the full product   Today we can rely on an extremely competent management
           portfolio. Andrea Formica is currently a Board Member of   team that we believe can help us do better with the support
           Piaggio & C.                                       of a greatly experienced leader.”
           Cefla is a multi-business Italian group founded in 1932 in   “I am strongly motivated by this new challenge,” stated
           Imola (Bologna) by nine shareholders, today employing   Andrea Formica, “which will allow me to share my experi-
           around 2,000 people with a global footprint (26 offices)   ence of multinational business environments such as Ford
           and a turnover of EUR 500 million. Cefla is made up of   and Toyota and can help serve a successful Italian com-
           five business units as follows:                     pany like Cefla, in addition to understanding new growing
           t $FnB 1MBOU 4PMVUJPOT  QMBOU FOHJOFFSJOH JO UIF DJWJM    businesses at the forefront of technological evolution.”
             industrial and energy sectors);
             personalised solutions for retail outlets);
             ing and finishing);
             sterilisation for the dental and medical sectors);
             -&% UFDIOPMPHZ
           “The new CEO of Cefla,” says Gianmaria Balducci,

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