Page 47 - Glass-Technology International no. 1/2018
P. 47

Established in

           Pesaro in 1987 by

           Giancarlo Selci,

           Intermac is the

           Biesse Group

           company that

           specialises in
                                       ntermac is the Biesse
           glass, stone and            Group division that han-
                                     I dles the production and
           metal processing          sale of equipment and sys-
                                     tems for machining glass,
                                     stone and metal. The com-
           technologies.             pany has a leadership posi-
                                     tion in the sectors it oper-
           Striving for              ates in and has earned the
                                     trust of successful compa-
           continuous                nies that operate in a variety
                                     of industrial sectors, from
           improvement               construction to interior de-
                                     sign and from the automo-
           means investing           tive to the aviation industry.
                                     RADIUS REVOLUTION:
           on all elements           GIVING QUALITY A
                                     NEW SHAPE
           that support              Intermac has created the
                                     first device in the world for
           innovation on an          the creation of a matt or
                                     polished, diamond-finished
           ongoing basis.            radius or chamfer. creations  edging grinding, creating   tem was conceived to pro-
                                                               greater value through the
                                                                                        vide impeccable finishing
                                     do not come about with    use of technology Made in   for the radius or chamfer
           Intermac, in fact,        ease, regardless of method   Intermac.             without needing to rely on
                                     or location, they are de-                          manual operations or ad-
           innovates in              veloped thanks to experi-  Offering the same quality,   ditional machines.
                                     ence and superior techno-  with an extra gear      The machining operation is
           order to achieve          logical know-how. That is   Radius Revolution expands   completed while the glass
                                     what happens constantly   the possibilities for double-  is in the machine, without
           process, product          at Intermac with the crea-  edging grinding systems   interrupting  production,
                                                               by introducing a new ma-
                                                                                        thereby optimising the en-
                                     tion of devices such as the
                                     Radius Revolution (pat-   chining mode that rewrites   tire process.
           and service               ented), which has radi-   production standards and   The presentation of the de-
                                     cally changed the potential   gives an extra push to plan-  vice at the recent edition
           excellence.               applications of double-   ning and design. The sys-  of Vitrum, a trade show

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