Page 43 - Glass-Technology International no. 1/2018
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                                                            One of the most established enterprises in Turkey, S¸ is¸ ecam Group is a global actor in
                                                            business fields including all main areas of glass industry, i.e. flat glass, glassware, glass
                                                            packaging and glass fiber, as well as soda and chromium chemicals. Today S¸ is¸ ecam
                                                            , the world’s leading supplier of chromium compounds and the 10  largest soda ash
                                                            producer in the world, is the 3  largest glassware, the 5  largest glass packaging and
                                                            flat glass manufacturer globally.
                                                            The Group, which has 42 production facilities in total, has manufacturing activities in
                                                            Turkey, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, Bosnia-Herzegovina,
                                                            the Russian Federation, Georgia, Ukraine, Egypt and India. With its 81 years of
                                                            experience, nearly 22,000 employees, production in 13 countries, and sales in more
                                                            than 150 countries, S¸ is¸ ecam is a group at international scale and continues on its
                                  Ahmet Kirman
                                                            journey to become one of top three global producers in its all-main business fields.
                                     and technology. We
              Academic research,     will continue to pro-
             innovation and R&D will   vide a platform that allows   ogy topics, plenary ses-  tion with 13 international
                                     participants to engage in   sion, panel discussions, as   institutions in 19 coun-
              continue to be a top   for global cooperation, es-  well as special events such   tries. “We are proud to
              priority in the future  tablish close ties and share   as the William R. Prindle    undertake these efforts at
                                     the latest developments in   Memorial  Session,  the  the ˛Si˛secam Science and
                                     the global industry.”     Youth Outreach Event, and   Technology Center, one of
                                     Stating that the global glass   very special Opening and   the most advanced centers
           also hosted the annual    industry has been quite vol-  Closing Ceremonies. In ad-  in Europe. The global glass
           meeting of International   atile and unpredictable in   dition, various ICG meet-  industry is faced with major
           Commission   on   Glass   recent years, Prof. Kırman   ing were held. The meet-  technological, environmen-
           (ICG), which brought to-  said: “Despite all these cir-  ings were an important   tal and social opportunities
           gether glass industry repre-  cumstances, I believe that   forum for exchanging ide-  and challenges. We believe
           sentatives, universities and   i ecam and other players   as, advancing knowledge,   that this large-scale event
           scientific institutions from   have taken major steps to   and promoting collabora-  offered a global platform
           around the world. The fu-  further advance the glass   tion among the members   for discussing exciting ad-
           ture of the glass industry   industry. Glass has always   of the global glass com-  vances in glass technology.
           and new technologies were   been a material that makes   munity. They also provided   The symposium consisted
           discussed at this interna-  people’s lives better. Aca-  an excellent venue for re-  of five parallel sessions,
           tional organization during   demic research, innovation   newing old friendships and   three panels, 30 speeches
           22-25 October 2017 in Is-  and R&D will continue to be   establishing new ones. The   and 120 presentations, 20
           tanbul.                   a top priority in the future.”  ICG community is going to   of them posters,” said Prof.
           Remarking that this impor-  Dr. Manoj Choudhary,    use the Istanbul meeting as   Oktik.
           tant event, which brought   International Commission   a template for our future
           together  representatives  on Glass (ICG) President,   annual meetings,” said Dr.
           of the glass industry and   said: “Over 400 partici-  Choudhary.                S , S Sis , ssecam Headquartersr
           academics in Istanbul, of-  pants from 25 countries   FIVE PARALLEL
           fered a productive plat-  had the opportunities to   SESSIONS, THREE
           form for cooperation and   attend parallel technical   PANELS, 30 SPEECHES
           exchange of ideas, Prof.   sessions on a variety of   AND 120
           Ahmet Kırman, ˛Si˛secam   glass science and technol-  PRESENTATIONS
           Group   Vice  Chairman
           and CEO, said: “The 32                              Prof. ener  Oktik, i ecam
            i ecam Glass Symposium                             Group  Chief  Research
           promoted the development                            and Technological Devel-    içmeler Mah. D-100 Karayolu Cad.
           of the global glass industry   The ICG community    opment Officer, said that    No:44A
           by allowing participants to   is going to use the Istanbul   they were involved in a   34947 Tuzla/Istanbul - Turkey
                                                                                           Tel: +90 - 850 - 206 50 50
           exchange information on                             considerable number of      Fax: +90 - 850 - 208 40 40
           innovations in glass science   meeting as a template  R&D projects in coopera-

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