Page 44 - Glass-Technology International no. 1/2018
P. 44


                        Glas Trösch

                                              GLASS SOLUTIONS

                                 FOR CARBON-NEUTRAL

                                                      PASSENGER SHIP
         The generous window strips
          underline the dynamic
        architecture of the MS Diamant

         Photo: © Schifffahrtsgesellschaft des Vierwaldstaettersees AG  heat loss and high-per-  flooded passenger area is

                                                                                        dominated by light shades,
                                                               formance sun protection.
                                                                                        enhanced by natural wood
                                                               The glasses are custom
                                                               products, which have been
                                                                                        and friendly atmosphere.
                                                               individually adapted to the
                                                               various dimensions. In ad-
                                                                                        The MS Diamant offers
                                                                                        ample possibilities to en-
                                                               dition, the glass elements   panelling, creating a warm
                he MS Diamant is a   ship should be reduced by   also score when it comes to   joy the view from its five
                project of the com-  20 per cent compared with   aesthetics. The façade was   decks. In addition, the visi-
           T pany Shiptec AG         the former average con-   designed as a Structural   tors delight in the view of
           in Lucerne with the sup-  sumption of a conventional   Sealant Glazing System   the world below the water
           port of the Institute for   scheduled boat. Amongst   (SSGS), which, thanks   in the “Nautilus Room” or
           Building Technology and   other things, an optimum   to the specially developed   take a lake water foot bath
           Energy. During the plan-  hull shape, low weight and   SSG bonding, makes the   on the water terrace. The
           ning phase, the building   an environmentally friendly   substructure almost invis-  glass domes not only cap-
           technology findings were   hybrid drive contribute to   ible. From the outside, this   tivate by their design, they
           transferred to the require-  the lower consumption and   feature conveys the impres-  also give the salon a par-
           ments on a ship and imple-  an efficient use of the en-  sion of continuous window   ticularly airy appearance.
           mented within a research   ergy.                    strips, which give the ship   The canopies additionally
           project supported by the   CUSTOMIZED               a modern and buoyant ap-  convince by their crystal-
           Commission for Technol-   INSULATING GLASS          pearance.                line supporting structure,
           ogy and Innovation (CTI)                            STYLISH INTERIOR         the connections of which
           of the Federal Govern-    In addition, the insulating                        were realized using the
           ment. All in all, the energy   glasses provide a pleasant   The MS Diamant also has   most modern SSG bond-
           consumption of the motor   room climate with a low   a stylish interior: The light-  ing technique.

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