Page 64 - Glass-Technology International no. 1/2018
P. 64

                                                     Euroview Managing Director Steve Larvin (left) knows
                                                    how to make an insulated glass plant fit for the commercial
                                                     sector. Right: Pontus Levin, A+W Sales Director North
                                                   Eastern Europe and provider of customer support for Euroview

                                                               ny. It can be used for more   be sure that we will keep
                                                               than just commercial and   this promise without com-
                                                               administrative  purposes.  promises when it comes to
                                                               All capacity and produc-  quality.”
                                                               tion planning, as well as   THE BEST SERVICE
                                                               production control, are   FOR DEMANDING
                                                               based on this data. After   CUSTOMERS
                                                               the transfer to production,
                                                               it is used for cut optimisa-  Euroview’s customers are
                                                               tion. The same data about   predominantly builders, fa-
                                                               the dimensions and storage   cade and metal workers. As
                                                               location of a sheet is pro-  an independent supplier,
                                                               vided on monitors in pro-  Euroview has unlimited
                   hen Steve Larvin   CONSISTENT               duction and is the basis for   access to all types of glass
                   was named Man-    RENEWAL –                 machine control. “In the   from all providers, another
           Waging         Director   INTELLIGENT               end, for successful compa-  advantage for customers:
           in 2016, it was clear that   NETWORKING             ny controlling, the concern   not every insulated glass
           Village Glass was about   In record time, he reorgan-  is always data,” explains   manufacturer always has
           to redefine itself. That   ised production – especial-  Steve.                all common types of glass
           same year, the company    ly the company’s logistics.   The production equip-  in stock in jumbo format
           left the private sector and   “Software is the company’s   ment from Glaston, Forel,   and can get other types
           started concentrating ex-  brain and backbone,” says   Hegla, Lisec and CMS was   at any time. This is how
           clusively on the commer-  Steve. “Our old system did   not only installed in 2017,   Euroview can deliver any
           cial and public sectors:   not meet the new require-  it was also put successfully   sheet structure requested.
           Village Glass was renamed   ments.” It is being replaced   into real-time operation.   Architects and construction
           Euroview, a modern com-   by a comprehensive solu-  The CNC machines and     engineers need reliable ad-
           pany with a new, fresh    tion from A+W.            insulated glass production   vice for complex projects.
           Corporate Identity and the    Steve is familiar with   are controlled in real time   Euroview implements solu-
           highest standards for qual-  A+W’s software down to   by intelligent, bidirectional   tions and offers extensive
           ity and delivery reliability   the smallest details and he   A+W interfaces - A+W   technical assistance be-
           for even complex IG struc-  knows to use it optimally.   production monitors and   forehand. Euroview speci-
           tural elements. Instead of   Together with the German   continuous bar coding in-  fies glass requirements,
           single-family houses, now   software provider’s ex-  form, register and initiate   conducts detailed load and
           the focus is on projects   perts, the commercial and   production processes.  risk analyses using special
           such as schools, hospitals,   technical systems are being   This networking of the   software, and ensures that
           sport centres and office   installed and optimised for   best machine technology   standards and regulations
           towers.                   Euroview’s processes.     and intelligent software   are adhered to. This is how
           Steve has many years’ ex-  Comprehensive network-   provides the best perfor-  the company acquires cus-
           perience in the high-end   ing with the best industry   mance and enables the   tomers and makes them
           project business. He is   software provides the pre-  shortest delivery times in   loyal for the long run.
           more familiar than almost   requisites for controlling   the industry with the great-  HIGH-TECH CUTTING
           anyone else with the chal-  complex commercial flows   est quality and flexibility.
           lenges and knows how to   reliably and guiding the   Steve Larvin: “Most of our   Smooth, efficient produc-
           master them successfully:   entire renovated machine   competitors have delivery   tion always begins with
           “The trick is delivery times   park so it can achieve the   times of four to six weeks.   intelligently  organised
           and the highest quality -   highest output.         We guarantee two weeks   cutting. At Euroview, the
           even for the most complex   All data that is entered   – at a maximum. Custom-  A+W Realtime Optimizer
           products. We want to be-  into the ERP system A+W   ers who need their prod-  provides the best yield and
           come the leading supplier   Business is now available   ucts very quickly come to    greatest flexibility. This
           in the UK.”               everywhere at the compa-  Euroview because they can   high-end optimisation can

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