Page 69 - Glass-Technology International no. 1/2018
P. 69

During Glass-



                                                                                        recent visit to

                                                                                        Neptun, located in

                                                                                        the area of northern

                                                                                        Italy, Stefano

                                                                                        Bavelloni and

                                                                                        Matteo Rolla spoke

                                                                                        about motivations

                                                                                        and expectations,

                                                                                        as well as methods

                                                                                        and challenges.

                                                                                        seam, which is an
                  lass-Technology    While everybody is busy   tive advantage through in-  automated system for
                  International re-  conforming to the new     novation and improvement
           G cently spoke to         working methods in to-    of performances: creating   glass processing, but
                                                                                        even a completely
           Stefano  Bavelloni  and   day’s industry - Smart    new perspectives on tradi-  new division, Neptun
           Matteo Rolla about the    Factories and Industry    tional processes, to make   Automation.
           most recent developments   4.0.,-  Neptun, relying on   glass processing ‘better’...
                                                                                        Matteo Rolla
           of Neptun’s technology,   a complete range of ma-   At the latest Vitrum
           always driven by a strong   chines that already comply   exhibition in Milan,   The research in the field of
           combination between mar-  with the latest rules, keeps   Neptun presented    automation started at the
           ket requirements, profes-  on pursuing its original   not just brand new     end of 2016. At that time,
           sional know-how and en-   mission of developing solu-  equipment: Bravo-     robots were obviously al-
           trepreneurial intuition.  tions that offer a competi-                        ready being used also in

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