Page 85 - Glass-Technology International no. 1/2018
P. 85


                                                                  Cromology Italia is a leader in Italy in the production and commercialization
                                                                  of construction paints. The company has 500 employees, two high-tech
                                                                  production units covering 80,000 square metres, a logistics hub and three
                                                                  regional warehouses taking up 45,000 square metres. The company also
                                                                  works with a network of sales agents – Colori di Tollens Bravo – which has
         Researchers from                                         14 direct sales points.
                                                                  Cromology Italia has a competitive multi-channel strategy, and to a product
         the Polytechnic             “Once again the Research     range of important brands: MaxMeyer, Duco, Baldini Vernici, Tollens,
                                     and   Development   of       Settef, Viero, Viero Paints, Mistercolor and Lo Specialista di Mistercolor
         University of Turin         Cromology Italia is in the   – as well as a complete and diversified product million turnover, with a
                                                                  leading position in the most important markets of Southern Europe.
                                     forefront in the devel-
         will work together          opment of new materi-        Thanks to 10 research labs, 13 production units and nine logistics platforms
                                                                  Cromology’s brands are sold in more than 50 countries around the world,
         with the University of      als,”  comments Massimil-    present directly in nine countries.
                                     iano  Bianchi, Managing
         Delft and Cromology         Director and CEO of
                                     Cromology Italia.” “The
         Italia on the               fact that a group of re-  stimulating project fills us   academic partners and will
                                     searchers of the Polytech-  with pride. We are absolutely   provide them with all our
         creation of specific        nic University of Turin have   enthusiastic about collabo-  know-how in the creation of
                                     asked us to participate in this   rating with such prestigious   polymeric coatings.”
         coatings for glass

         surfaces, improving

         their mechanical


           but not least, two research-
           ers from the department
           of Architectural Technol-
           ogy and Engineering of the
           University of Delft.
           “This project is part of an
           international current re-
           search programme, which
           is aimed at improving the
           reliability of glass a struc-
           tural material, so as to
           encourage a greater use
           compared to its present
           niche position,” says Dott.
           Corrado. “It is a highly
           inter-disciplinary project
           and to ensure the best re-
           sults we need to collabo-
           rate closely with the other
           members of the project. I
           would like to thank Cro-
           mology Italia very much
           for taking part in this pro-
           ject with enthusiasm and I
           am confident that this col-
           laboration will bring sig-
           nificant results.”

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