Page 87 - Glass-Technology International no. 1/2018
P. 87

whole evaluation process    tory, market share, total   Chinese-language version   China Development Alli-
           for those prestigious glass   asset and annual sales   of Chinese Glass Suppliers   ance for Function and Art
           brands:                     volume)                 and recommended during   (MBTT *OEVTUSZ  )FCFJ $F-
           t  5IF  FOUFSQSJTFT  BXBSE   t  1SPGFTTJPOBM  CVZFST  BQ-  glass events; listed in the   ramics Glass Association,
             will go to the Top 10     QSBJTBM       TVSWFZ GPS   English-language version   Management Committee
             Brands respectively for   buyers by the way of off-  of Chinese Glass Suppliers   PG  )FCFJ  %FWFMPQNFOU
             leading companies in      line expos and online re-  and recommended during   Zone for Economy and
             fields of sheet glass,     search)                 international glass expos   Technology, Shahe city
             decoration glass, appli-  t  7BMVF BEEFE QPMJDZ  "OZ   and events.         ;FIVJ  &YQP   )BOH[IPV
             ance glass, glass chemi-  company available to    Moreover, they will also be   $JUZ   1SPNPUJPO   "TTP-
             cal accessories/materi-   submit documents in     FYIJCJUFE JO UIF 7*1 NFN-  ciation for E-commerce,
             als, building glass, glass   terms of the following   ber showroom designed   )BOH[IPV   F DPNNFSDF
             products, glass tools,    details: product opera-  with the mark of ‘Golden   association.
             glass machinery and       tion standards and tech-  Glass Award’; they will re-  The event is covered by
             equipment, forerunner     nology, detection report,   ceive Award cups and hon-  the following media or-
             for ‘Belt & Road’, and    green safety certificates,   our certificates; news and   ganizations: the German
             emerging  outstanding     quality  authentication,  publicity; they will be in-  (MBTT  $PNNVOJUZ   *UBM-
             companies.                honours, key projects,   vited to the ‘Golden Glass   ian glassOnline, Span-
           t  5IF QSPEVDU BXBSE  XJMM   annual assets growth   Award’ Ceremony-The fifth   JTI  7JESJPQFSmM   *OEJBO
             go to 10 enterprises for   report, products quality   Top 10 China Glass Brand   Glass Bulletin, Tencent
             innovative products.      report, patent report and   Appraisal, as well as being     4JOB   /FUFBTF )PVT-
           t  1FSTPOBM "XBSET JODMVEF   so forth, can be added   recommended to the sup-  JOH   1FPQMF T  /FUXPSL
             UIF 1SJ[F GPS 0VUTUBOE-   more scores.            port unit of this appraisal.  CBN,,
             ing Contributions (5    EVENT STEPS               ORGANIZATION   , bmlink, China
             QFPQMF   1SJ[F GPS (MBTT                          AND MEDIA                Architectural Decoration
             craft (10 people); and  t      %FDFNCFS                                    /FUXPSL   #VJMEJOHT  8JO-
           t  UIF 1SJ[F GPS 0VUTUBOE-  Launch                  COVERAGE                 dows & Doors and Fa-
             ing Young Entrepre-     t      %FDFNCFS        UP   The event is organized   DBEFT  8PSME PG 8JOEPXT
             neurs (10 people).        17 January 2018: Com-   by China Glass Network,      %PPST   $JUZ  PG  8JO-
                                       pany/Brand registration   supported by Guangdong   dows, News Alliance for
           EVALUATION                  and check               Glass Association, Zhe-  China Enterprises, bobo.
                                     t      +BOVBSZ        UP       jiang Glass Association,   com, New Materials On-
           All the evaluation pro-     .BSDI       0QFO 1PMM   Chief Engineers Associa-  line, China Auto Materials
           cesses will be checked and   t      .BSDI        UP       tion, China Daily Glass   Network, Glass Magazine,
           appraised by professional   March 2018: Experts &   "TTPDJBUJPO   *OEJBO  ;",   8JOEPXT .BHB[JOF  "TJBO
           experts and experienced     Buyers appraisal        Glass Technology, China   Financial News, Yidian-
           technicians from the glass   t      .BSDI        UP       "TTPDJBUJPO GPS 4JML 1SJOU-,,
           industry, based on the      March 2018: Compre-     ing, China Chamber for   BaiduBaijia, www.menye.
           principle of opening, jus-  hensive evaluation      Glass Circulation, China   com, China Building Ma-
           tice, equality and profes-  t  "QSJM         5PQ       .PEFSO (MBTT *OTUJUVUJPO    terials Report.
           sionalization as follows:   brand   announcement
           t  0OMJOF  QPMM       8F-   and Awards ceremony
             $IBU 1PMM
           t  &YQFSUT  BQQSBJTBM        AWARDED
             ( in terms of brand pub-
             licity, social responsibil-  The awarded companies
             ity, product innovation   will be listed in the China
             and after-sale service)  glass brand dictionary, and
           t  $PNQSFIFOTJWF BQQSBJT-  permanently in the list of
             BM       JO UFSNT PG IJT-  ‘2018 brands’; listed in the

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