Page 86 - Glass-Technology International no. 1/2018
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                                 China Glass


                                               THE FIFTH GOLDEN

                                                            GLASS AWARD

            This year will mark the fifth edition of the Golden Glass Award,

            selected in terms of enterprises, products and individual

            contribution. The awards will provide awarded companies with

            coverage in Asia, also being listed in the English-language

            version of Chinese Glass Suppliers and recommended during

            international glass expos and events.

           LAUNCHING                 evaluation processes of the   prises, products and indi-
           THE SPECIAL               total 15 awards intended to   vidual contribution. The
                                     enterprises, products and   new set product award can
           On 18 December 2017,      personal contributions, will   better improve the ideology,
           China   Glass  Network    be checked and appraised   unique publicity, and market
           launched the fifth Top     by professional experts and   realization of a company.
           10 China Glass Brand      experienced  technicians  DIFFERENT
           Appraisal - the Golden    from the glass industry.   CATEGORIES
           Glass Award, the Oscar    The fifth Top 10 China
           of the glass industry. For   Glass Brand Appraisal is   The  following  awards
           this fifth appraisal, all the   selected in terms of enter-  will be offered after the

           84 Glass-Technology International 1/2018
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