Page 56 - Glass-Technology International no. 2/2018
P. 56




                       Riku Färm     glass. Customers, however,   terns. And everyone has   MEASURING
                                     sometimes refuse to accept   their own opinion about   ANISOTROPY
                 Product Manager
                                     glass with anisotropy levels   what looks good and what   The main problem is that
            Glaston Finland Oy
                                     they feel are too high, mak-  looks bad. So, acceptable   anisotropy can be very dif-
                                     ing the phenomenon an is-  levels differ from project   ferent in different condi-
                                     sue for glass processors as   to project. The prominence   tions, such as geographi-
                    hen it comes to   well.                   of anisotropy also depends   cal location, time of year
                    the visual quality                        on visual conditions sur-  and time of day. Also, the
           W of heat-treated         PHENOMENON WITH          rounding the glass.       “level of anisotropy” is very
                                     NO STANDARDS
           glass, anisotropy has be-                          Seeing anisotropy is easy.   hard to quantify. It’s not
           come more and more an     To date, there are no stand-  All you need is a polariza-  like a roller wave, where a
           acknowledged concern for   ards when it comes to ani-  tion filter, like the one in   trained eye can evaluate the
           glass processors, architects   sotropy. The intensity of   sunglasses, with polarized   amount of roller wave just
           and their clients.        strain patterns may vary   light coming through the   by looking at the glass. An-
           Since anisotropy is caused   from slightly visible under   glass. Measuring it, how-  isotropy may present itself,
           by stress differences in   certain conditions to obvi-  ever, is much harder. How   for example, as vertical or
           glass during the heating   ous under most conditions.   can you reliably measure   diagonal lines in the glass,
           and cooling phases, it is   Anisotropy can also appear   something that has no   or as spots in the glass such
           inevitable in heat-treated   in different kinds of pat-  standards?          as seen in the rear windows
                                                                                        of cars. Then again, which
                                                                                        one of these is best? Or
                                                                                        worst? As long as a univer-
                                                                                        sal standard doesn’t exist,
                                                                                        there’s no way to answer
                                                                                        this question. Everyone has
                                                                                        their own opinion – which
                                                                                        means we may even need
                                                                                        more than one method to
                                                                                        evaluate anisotropy.
                                                                                        Having a unified evaluat-
                                                                                        ing method, or methods,
                                                                                        would certainly make our
                                                                                        lives easier. So, as we are
                                                                                        slowly moving towards an
                                                                                        anisotropy standard, what
                                                                                        can be done in the mean-
                                                                                        Let’s consider roller wave

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