Page 52 - Glass-Technology International no. 2/2018
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           the top, resulting in effec-  with a second control sec-  lubrication of the blocks.   erations, the depth of the
           tive gas filling and opti-  tion after the coupling press.  Moreover, the sealer has   frame and the distance be-
           mization of consumption.                           been designed to process   tween the spacer and the
                                     Automatic sealer
           The air blowers have also                          curved glass sheets, and   glass edges are controlled
           been upgraded to provide   The automatic sealer is   also offers the possibil-  continuously, thus man-
           improved management of    much   more  innovative  ity of using three different   aging the extrusion of the
           the moving glass, thanks   compared to standard ma-  bi-components. The seven   material dynamically. Cor-
           to the installation of dedi-  chines.              drums of the pumping unit   ner finishing is carried out
           cated and specific pneu-   First and foremost, it has   that supply the dispensers,   with rollers.
           matic systems. The belts   modified transport belts   and which are automatical-
           and pulleys have also been   – no longer V-shaped but   ly connected to the operat-
           upgraded, resulting in in-  straight – with the pois-  ing head, work non-stop
                                                                                          FOREL SpA
           creased pressing power up   sibility of moving the   in tandem with extrusion   FOREL SpA
           to 4 kg/linear cm.        belts both in height and   capacity of 4 l/min.
           The dual gas circuit ena-  in depth. In this way, the   The sealing head starts to
           bles to use both krypton as   sealer can handle very   seal moving from the short-
           well as argon. The coupling   heavy glass sheets better,   est side to the first corner,
           press is also equipped with   support the smaller glass   and not from the lower   Via per Monastier 4 - 31056 Vallio
           a reference pedal to facili-  sheets in the offset and   corner. The nozzle can en-  di Roncade, Treviso - Italy
           tate the processing of large-  the central one in the non-  ter the space between the   Tel.: +39 39 0422 840507
           sized stepped glass sheets.  offset. The transport belts   glass sheets and the frame   Fax: +39 0422 840900
                                     are also self-lubricating   on extruding the product,   E-mail:
           Quality control section                                               
                                     and self-cleaning by means   ensuring  more  precise
           The Forel line is equipped   of automatic scraping and   sealing. During these op-

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