Page 22 - Glass-Technology International no. 4/2018
P. 22




                  NEW WEBSITE LAUNCHED

                  Pleotint’s new website, which can be   on the many advantages of Suntuitive   various interactive processes that allows
                  found at is the   Dynamic Glass,” he explained. “We   the user to see how an interior space
                  culmination of several months of work   have a world leading product, one that   is positively affected by the installation
                  to bring a detailed online portal to de-  provides significant occupant comfort,   of Suntuitive. also
                  velopers, architects, glazing contractors   performs at a high level and is the easi-  boasts new features including updated
                  and other stakeholders who utilize high   est dynamic glass to install. There’s so   resources and areas for how specific
                  performance glass in their work.   much information we want people to   verticals (commercial, residential,
                  Patrick Lentz, Director of Marketing   know and we now have an online place   health care, education, and retail) can
                  from Pleotint said the content on the   to point people to for that.”  find value in utilizing Suntuitive Dy-
                  new site goes deep into the innovation,   Visitors to can   namic Glass in their structures. Users
                  value, and sustainability of the prod-  learn how the product works, when to   can get technical details, and architects
                  uct. “This site is very important to us   use it and how to specify it, along with   can order a sample kit that shows them
                  as we continue to expand all over the   information on the many benefits to   the easy use of Suntuitive while giving
                  globe. It’s crucial to not only tell our   the installation of Suntuitive Dynamic   them the needed background on the
                  story but to be able to educate people   Glass. In addition the site includes   success of the product.

                                                                             MAPPI     Nardo Vetro was the very first Mappi
                                                                                       customer, and this ‘historic’ partner-
                                       25 YEARS GOING BEYOND                           ship was mentioned during the Italian
                                                                                       celebration for Mappi’s anniversary
                                                  GLASS PERFECTION                     when Nancy Mammaro said: “Our

                                                                                       customers are our strengths and our
                                                      be close to market needs;        focus, everything we do is focussed
                                                    -  more than 60 employees;         on improving their business to make
                                                    -  a brand recognized as a synonymous   the difference in the glass industry, we
                                                      of excellence globally.          are rewarding when this relationship
                                                    All this to guarantee Customer Satis-  is constant and always stronger and
                                                    faction at every level and in any area;   stronger, year by year, we know we
                                                    because when clients receive a Mappi   have done a great job for them, as for
                                                    furnace, they don’t just receive the best   Nardo Vetro.”
                                                    technologies and the best components,   “We would not exist without our
                  Mappi is proud to celebrate 25 years in   but also exceptional customer care:   customers and we would not have all
                  the glass industry as a global leader in   people at their service, who understand   this successes without our people that
                  the production of glass tempering fur-  and are truly committed to MCQ.   work every day with passion to be part
                  naces and glass laminating machines.  MCQ ‘Mappi Constant Quality’ is the   of our glass excellence in the world. In
                  Mappi started in 1993, when Nancy   core of the company. Every aspect of   this pleasant occasion we celebrate the
                  Mammaro had a vision: she wanted to   Mappi is focused on the customer:   first four employees of Mappi and all
                  provide high quality tempering furnaces   from design to assistance, everything   of you,” said Ermanno Petitti, Mappi
                  focusing on overall quality without   must consider quality as the main   Sales Manager.
                  compromise, using only the best tech-  priority.                     “We strongly believe our products are
                  nologies, materials, and teamwork to   Giorgio Nardo, CEO of Nardo    Mappi’s brain, heart and power around
                  produce the best cost effective furnaces.  Vetro says about his choice to count on   the world, those who have a Mappi
                  Today that vision means:          Mappi as partner: “I think Mappi is   furnace have one of our ‘children’ and
                  -  more than 400 furnaces installed in   one of the first suppliers in the world   everybody here is proud of these won-
                    over 50 countries;              for reliability, compliance and technol-  derful ‘children’ such as Fox and ATS
                  -  two branches one in Italy and one in   ogy, that’s why we chose them 25 years   series tempering lines that have written
                    Florida;                        ago and today we continue to show   the story of our company,” says Sergio
                  -  more than 30 partners worldwide to   respect for each other.”     Cosano Mappi Sales Manager.

                  20 Glass-Technology International 4/2018

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