Page 23 - Glass-Technology International no. 4/2018
P. 23

businessnews                                           British brands


           FIRST CLARITY USER CONFERENCE                                            We are the largest specialist insulated glass
                                                                                    component manufacturer and distributor in
                                                                                    the UK, supplying over 2,000 components
                                             The user conference offered a very     to the window industry. Our products are
                                             good opportunity to network with       engineered in our own Technical Centre
                                             ‘colleagues’ from all over Europe.     and made to exacting standards.
                                             “A successful event, with good in-
                                                                                    Our focus on technical progression and
                                             formation and background informa-      our strides for export ensure that our
           For the first time the A+W Clarity   tion,” said Thomas Fisker-Jepsen     flagship products remain two of the highest
           User Conference Europe took place   of Glaseksperten. He continued: “A   performance warm edge spacers available
           in Niedernhausen near Wiesbaden at   great opportunity to get to know    to the worldwide market. We now ship
                                                                                    to 22 countries in Europe, North America,
           the beginning of June. The success-  other customers and their solu-     South America, Asia and Oceania.
           ful get-together party on the evening   tions.”
           before the conference served as the   Heiko Schuh, Sales Director Central
           kick-off for the event, followed by   Europe A+W Clarity, explains: “A
           two days with different workshops   successful event with high-quality
           and lectures led by experts.      and interesting questions from
           Participants took the opportunity   customers during and after the
           to expand their knowledge and find   individual sessions. The focus was
           new inspiration. Siegfried Krös,   clearly on the exchange of experi-
           Glashandelsgesellschaft Profi: “The   ences based on existing solution
           user conference fulfilled my expecta-  approaches.”
           tions, it was a great even at which   With this user-related event, A+W
           we were able to discuss current   offers its customers optimal prereq-
           developments and challenges and   uisites for using the software as well
           from which we took along many     as possible. The A+W Clarity User
           new ideas.                        Conference thus creates a very nice
           A variety of software topics were   complement to the regular expert
           illuminated and user questions clari-  group ‘A+W Round Table’, where
           fied, but suggestions for technical   customers actively participate in the
           improvements were also discussed.   enhancement of the software.

                                                                AGC GLASS

                                  FLOAT PLANT PLANNED                                Thermof lex  ™   Thermobar    ™
                                                                                                           Warm Edge Spacer Tube
                                                                                            Warm Edge Spacer
           AGC Glass Europe, the largest French   for prestige architectural projects.  (Thermal Conductivity   (Thermal Conductivity
                                                                                    Value 0.135W/mK and Psi   Value 0.14W/mK and Psi
           producer of flat glass, with two float   Alexandre Coppens, Plant Director,   values as low as 0.027)  values as low as 0.029)
           lines and a total capacity of more than   said: “As a float producing plant, the
           1,300 tonnes per day, specialises in   next logical step for us would be to
           production of clear glass (Planibel   evaluate the possibilities of expanding
           Clearlite) and glass with high light   our activities to new types of products.   FIND OUT MORE
           transmission (Planibel Clearvision)   We would like to be a plant of trans-
           for the construction industry and the   formation. This will of course depend
           indoor furnishings market. The plant   on market evolution and the strategy of
           recently distinguished itself with pro-  our group but we are convinced that we
                                                                                       D e di ca t e d  t o  I nsul a t e d  G las s
           duction of XXL glass sheets having an   have a bright future ahead.”
           outsize length of 16 metres (compared                                      Proud winners of The Queen’s Award for
           with the industry standard of 6 metres)                                      Enterprise: International Trade 2017

                                                                                         +44 (0) 121 331 3950
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