Page 24 - Glass-Technology International no. 4/2018
P. 24



           “This marks the eighth consecutive   ITALIAN GLASS MACHINERY INDUSTRY
           year of growth. The upswing in ex-
           ports continues, and domestic market   MARKETS ON THE UPSWING,
           indicators are starting to improve
           as a result of the Industry 4.0 Plan   EXCELLENT EXPORT PERFORMANCE
           incentives. Our sector is growing,
           and it’s very gratifying to be able to   maintained its absolute lead as top   the top 15 this year.
           say that the effects of the downward   destination country, followed by   “The data is definitively positive,” says
           trend that marked the national and   France, India, Mexico and China.   Gimav director, “and the results –
           international economy in 2009 are   Strong recovery was once again re-  confirmed by the increase in domestic
           definitively behind us now”. This was   ported for Central and South Ameri-  orders – are tangible even with regard
           the initial comment by Laura Biason,   can markets, which now account for   to the opportunities offered by the
           Director of Gimav, the Confindustria   nearly 12% of global sales (up 59.2%   Industry 4.0 Plan (Nuova Sabatini,
           member Association representing Ital-  from 2016); Brazil and Argentina, to-  Iper and SuperAmmortamento). We
           ian manufacturers of Flat and Hollow   gether, account for 7% of global sales.   feel that the delayed applicability of
           Glass processing machinery, systems,   In terms of exports, however, we need   incentives (after the publication of the
           special products and accessories, with   to differentiate the two macro-special-  Ministry of Economic Development
           regard to the data in the latest Italian   ties of the sector. Flat Glass exports, in   Notice on 30 April 2017), negatively
           glass machinery industry report.   fact, increased by 5.48% from the year   impacted their effect on the Italian
           In fact, the Gimav Studies Center, on   before.                      market. For this reason we also feel
           occasion of the annual Association   The ranking of countries purchasing   these incentives should be made
           members’ meeting, officially released   Italian glass processing machinery lists   permanent or otherwise be made
           the latest figures on the Italian glass   in order of importance, EU Europe,   available more strategically, over a pe-
           machinery sector; numbers accom-   Asia (up 47.76% from 2016), the   riod of time that allows for adequate
           panied by plus signs, starting with the   Nafta area, extra-EU Europe, Central   production planning and therefore not
           4.04% increase in overall sales by the   and South America (up 14.04% from   year after year.
           sector (compared to 2016) with Flat   last year), Oceania, and Africa.  Lastly, what does 2018 have in store?
           glass up by 4.87%, and Hollow Glass   We should also note that although   “The outlook is positive,” concludes
           up by 2.38%. Domestic sales also   exports to North America decreased   Ms. Biason, “if we are to judge by
           increased, by 4.54%.               (now accounting for 19.41% of overall   the companies’ survey on the general
           The sector workforce increased by   global sales), exports to Oceania con-  market situation: 93.55% of them in
           4.65% as a result of these trends. The   tinued to rise.             fact predict further growth in 2018,
           overall trade balance remarkably rose   The top five destination countries for   with a more marked improvement in
           to nearly EUR 984 million, up by   Italian Flat Glass in ranking order,   foreign markets, while 78% of compa-
           3.85% from the year before.        after the USA, were Germany (the top   nies surveyed also expect an increase
           Exports remain the top value of the   European market and second global   in domestic sales.”
           Italian glass machinery industry, with   market destination), China, India   The sales forecasts for Europe, both
           an excellent exports to overall sales ra-  (which remarkably climbed up after   EU and extra-EU, were very optimis-
           tio averaging 78.66% in 2017, further   placing 42nd in 2016), and the United   tic, with figures for both expected to
           consolidating the Italian manufactur-  Kingdom, which held its place.    increase or remain unchanged. Con-
           ers’ position among global market   The ranking for Hollow Glass exports,   fidence in Russia is improving; fewer
           leaders. More specifically, the perfor-  which grew by 1.2% since last year,   companies expect sales to drop as the
           mance of Hollow Glass was also very   shows that France is once again the   market seemingly started to recover
           high, with exports accounting for 84%   top destination country, while Mexico   (14.71% growth).
           of overall sales (slightly less than EUR   dropped into second place. Poland,   The overall outlook is positive with
           379 million), while Flat Glass reached   India, Thailand, and Argentina also   regard to North America and the sta-
           another milestone with export increas-  moved up the ranks, but the most   bility (or growth) of Middle-Eastern
           ing from 75.3% of 2016 to 75.74%,   remarkable increase was recorded by   markets; sales expectations for Central
           and far exceeding EUR 692 million in   Japan, which since 2016 climbed from   and South America clearly improved
           value.                             29th to 11th place among the larg-  as downturn predictions decreased
           As usual, the European market ranked   est importers of Italian Hollow Glass,   from 21% to 8.8%, while the number
           in first place, with 40% of overall   and now accounts for 3.41% of global   of companies forecasting their recov-
           export sales, while the United States   exports. Iran and Spain also appear in   ery increased to 41%.

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