Page 51 - Glass-Technology International no. 4/2018
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washing machine followed.   Ildefonso Reina. Together   Software             GPS.order.     Ildefonso
           2008   Cristaleria  made  with LiSEC, Cristaleria   When it comes to software,   Reina is convinced of the
           its largest investment in   Reina was the first sup-  Cristaleria Reina counts on   LiSEC software products
           LiSEC products until now:   plier in Spain who changed   LiSEC too. They started   they use: “We control our
           For EUR four million, the   the direction of their KSR   with (new version:   whole production with
           company bought LiSEC      in order to improve their, a software for   prod, from the planning to
           machines and software, so   distribution. “It was chal-  sash bars planning.   the final cutting manage-
           that the new production   lenging but LiSEC was able   By now they control their   ment.”
           equipment was 80 per cent   to provide the perfect solu-  production with the soft-  “The LiSEC software sup-
           LiSEC machines. “For us,   tion to our problem,” states    ware prod and handle the   ports us in different areas
           there was no alternative –   Reina proudly.         order management with    at our every-day work.”
           LiSEC convinced us with
           a quality no other supplier
           could keep up with it,” says
                                                  “What matters most to us is the personal component
                                            – we count on interpersonal relations to our customers, and that’s
                                                 also what we value about our cooperation with LiSEC.

                                              We appreciate the After Sales Service and we are 100 per cent
                                                satisfied with the performance of the LiSEC employees.”
                                                     Ildefonso Reina, Owner Cristaleria Reina.

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