Page 50 - Glass-Technology International no. 4/2018
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                                     – who had been working in   tin to Montellano, where   cant filling machine. The
           THE BEGINNINGS            the company since he was   their property amounts to   second investment was an
           Ildefonso Reina Coca, fa-  16 years old – took over.  80,000 square metres.   automatic sealing plant.
           ther of the current owner   As the glass business got                        This machine was added to
           Ildefonso Reina, took root   more and more important   COOPERATION           an already existing IG-line
           in the wood and glass in-  and developed better than   BETWEEN               of another supplier. Soon,
           dustry as one-man-com-    the wood business, Cristal-  CRISTALERIA REINA     this one was replaced by
           pany in in the year 1958.   eria Reina decided in 2004   AND LISEC           a LiSEC product, a 3x2-
           When Reina Coca founded   to focus exclusively on this                       metre IG-line. A bend-
           Cristaleria Reina in the year   sector. Soon the incom-  Machinery           ing machine, intelligent
           1991, glass and wood each   ing orders exceeded the   The cooperation between   warehouse with 100 posi-
           represented 50 per cent of   capacity of the production   LiSEC  and  Cristaleria  tions, PKL, two six meters
           the business. One year lat-  space. In 2009, the compa-  Reina started 2002, when   long cutting tables and a
           er his son Ildefonso Reina   ny moved from Villamar-  they invested in a desic-  5x3-metre KSR including

            Cristaleria Reina in 2009 opened their new 12.800m  production hall

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