Page 90 - Glass-Technology International no. 4/2018
P. 90


                                                                              Tekno Kilns Srl
                                                                              Tekno Kilns

           than five times more re-   damental part of the safety
           sistant, also guaranteeing   glass sector. Laminating is
           absolute flatness without   used considerably more by
           optical distortion.       architects and designers                  Via della Pergola, 55
                                                                               23900 Lecco (LC) - Italy
           All normal float glass types   for decorative uses.                  Tel: +39 – 0341 – 366433
           can be tempered chemical-  Tekno Kilns has a wide                   Fax:  +39 – 0341 – 1712084
           ly. In fact, chemical tem-  range of products for                   E-mail:
           pering can be used on glass   lamination starting with    
           of less than 0.5mm thick   kilns for small production
           and with particular shapes,   batches such as Lamitech,
           maintaining total optical   up to lamination lines with
           quality. This enables to use   autoclave such as the Lam-  2,800mm and 3,300mm,   Foehn is a convection
           chemically-tempered glass   itech Line.             in manual or automatic   furnace with high-speed
           in the most diverse sectors,   The Lamitech Line of lami-  set-up, in line or U con-  forced cooling, making the
           such as automotive, elec-  nating furnaces for safety,   figuration according to   furnace highly productive.
           tronics, architecture, aero-  shatter- and blast-proof,   customer needs.    Depending on production
           nautics, naval and military.  bullet-proof, are extremely   The flagship product for   needs and available space,
                                     flexible, responding to each   this sector is Foehn, the   the furnace can be placed
           LAMINATING                and every production need   most recent latest gen-  in line with a washing ma-
           Laminating is becoming    and demand.               eration furnaces that can   chine and preparation ta-
           ever more important and   The furnaces are available   process films such as EVA,   bles, thus creating a semi-
           requested, becoming a fun-  with widths of 2,000mm,   SentryGlas  and  PVB.  automatic line.

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