Page 92 - Glass-Technology International no. 4/2018
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                    Petschenig glastec GmbH supplied 7,000 square metres of UNIGLAS SUN

             insulating glass units with Edgetech Europe GmbH Super Spacer  spacers and 1,000

                 square metres of special glass units for the glass façade of the sustainable

            flagship project in Munich. Ultimately 103 different glass structures and 900 different

               glass formats were put together to meet all requirements in terms of its energy

               efficiency, thermal insulation, solar protection, fire protection, security against

                                     eavesdropping or bullet-proof properties.

           FOR THE                   port for the elderly – smart   Siemens AG has also com-  40 per cent of the energy
           SMART CITY                cities are taking shape   mitted itself towards the re-  consumption demand. Sie-

           The desert city of Las Ve-  worldwide. Against the   alisation of smart cities, in   mens has set an example
           gas is exemplary in terms   backdrop of demographic   which intelligent technolo-  by announcing that it will
           of its water saving; the city   change and efforts to im-  gies and the internet of net-  be the world’s first indus-
           of Munich networks de-    prove the quality of life in   worked things should deci-  trial corporation to achieve
           centralised energy produc-  addition to the careful use   sively support a sustainable   a carbon neutral footprint
           ers in a virtual power plant;   of resources, the concept   future. A key role can be   by 2030. It therefore made
           Vienna is a test region for   constitutes more than mere   seen in buildings, which   sense to also announce
           intelligent technology sup-  city marketing.        are responsible for up to   ambitious  sustainability

                                                                                        Copyright © Siemens AG, 2016

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