Page 93 - Glass-Technology International no. 4/2018
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goals for the new corporate   automation system. Thus
           headquarters in Munich.   energy consumption is re-
                                     duced by some 25 per cent
           SUSTAINABILITY IN         solely with the aid of day-
           LARGE NUMBERS             light sensors and presence
           The three essential de-   detectors. The photovol-
           mands placed upon the     taic system covering a total
           building were that it should   area of 1,300 square metres
           be open, innovative and   provides almost one-third                                     Copyright © Siemens AG, 2016
           save resources. The ma-   of the required energy.
           jor challenge faced by the   Rainwater is also collected   the three-year construction   nich ultimately achieved
           architects was to erect the   on the roof. On average,   period.             an excellent heat transfer
           new Siemens headquarters   1.5 million litres per year   The Viennese glass process-  coefficient of 0.9 W/m  K.
           at the old site around two   are used for toilet flushing,   ing company Petschenig   There were a number of
           existing buildings on the   outdoor irrigation and air   glastec supplied the entire   reasons behind Petschenig
           Wittelsbacher Platz, one of   conditioning of buildings.   8,000 square metres of   glastec’s  decision  to
           which was the listed Lud-  The latter statistic probably   glazing, 7,000 square me-  chose the Edgetech Super
           wig-Ferdinand-Palais built   reveals the most impres-  tres of which were flat and   Spacer  Warm Edge Sys-
           by Leo von Klenze in clas-  sive figures. Every hour,   curved UNIGLAS SUN    tem for its triple glazing
           sical style in 1825.      100,000 litres of water flow   solar control insulating   units. “On the one hand,
           The ensemble of light-    through 70 kilometres of   glass elements. Obviously,   we were able to guaran-
           flooded buildings designed   pipelines and, depending   despite all the transparency   tee the required energetic
           by Henning Larsen Ar-     on the time of year, provide   involved, safety was not ne-  performance without any
           chitects with its five green   heated or cooled rooms,   glected, so another 1,000   problems for all windows
           courtyards has pulled off   while the energy is supplied   square metres consisted of   and façade elements.
           the difficult balancing act   by geothermal probes.  bullet-proof and tap-proof   On the other hand, the
           of combining tradition and                          glass units, among other   production on our Super
           modernity – in terms of   PERFORMANCE               things.                  Spacer  line has signifi-
           urban planning, but also   MIX COMPRISING           By way of a final result, the   cantly optimised the project
           architecturally. The atrium   140 DIFFERENT         entire glass façade appears   logistically and in terms of
           was consciously designed   GLASS UNITS              extraordinarily  homoge-  meeting the deadlines,” ex-
           as a meeting place with a   Glazing also makes a con-  nous across all parts of the   plains Managing Director
           café and restaurant.      siderable contribution to-  building. On closer exami-  Hanspeter Petschenig.
           The   Siemens  Passage,   wards the sustainable en-  nation, it is a showpiece   The sorting, bending, des-
           which is largely accessible   ergy balance of the new   of state-of-the-art glazing   iccant filling and offline
           to the public, connects the   Siemens headquarters. For   technology: 103 differ-  butyl extrusion as needed
           old part of the city with the   instance, all the façades   ent glass structures were   with rigid spacers bars is
           Kunstareal (art district) in   facing the inner courtyards   produced by Petschenig   no longer required thus
           Maxvorstadt.              consist of solar selective   glastec to meet the high   also eliminating many pos-
           According to Siemens, the   thermal insulating triple   thermal insulation, solar   sible sources of error. The
           new head office consumes   glass and are inclined by   protection, fire protection   flexible Super Spacer
           90 per cent less electric-  five per cent so even more   and security requirements.   spacers are fed to the ap-
           ity and approximately 75   natural daylight can flood   The constructional para-  plicator in various widths
           per cent less water than   the offices and courtyards   meters of each individual   as programmed from the
           a regular building. More   than in vertical orientation   pane structure were calcu-  reels. Although the produc-
           than 7,400 energy-efficient   of the glasses. The respon-  lated, which were subse-  tion and provision of the
           LED lamps have been       sible façade specialist Stra-  quently fed into the simu-  different insulating glass
           installed and more than   bag Metallica installed a to-  lation for the entire curtain   units in the correct posi-
           30,000 data points are    tal of 16,000 square metres   wall at Strabag Metallica.   tional sequence remains
           connected to the building’s   of element façades during   The glass façade in Mu-  a logistical challenge for

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