Page 34 - Glass-Technology International no. 2-2019
P. 34


             MAPPI and STRATOGLASS
           Long-term partnership in glass

               tratoglass has a long history of producing quality glass
           Sin Lombardy and in northern Italy. For more than 30
           years they have experienced constant growth fostered and
           managed methodically by two brothers and two sisters, all
           directly involved in the company.
           $_; 1oѴѴ-0ou-ঞom u;Ѵ-ঞomv_br 0;|‰;;m "|u-|o]Ѵ-vv -m7 Mappi
           began in 2009 with the purchase of an ATS 2200×4200, the fur-

           m-1; |_-| -ѴѴo‰;7 |_; 1olr-m‹ |o 7;;r;m b|v vr;1b-ѴbŒ-ঞom bm
           |_; ruo7†1ঞom o= _b]_Ŋr;u=oul-m1; bmv†Ѵ-ঞm] ]Ѵ-vvķ -ulo†u;7ķ
           |;lr;u;7  -m7  v|u-ঞC;7  ]Ѵ-vvĺ  "|u-|o]Ѵ-vv  _-v  7;lomv|u-|;7
           how it is possible to create a virtual cycle that links products of
           excellence to increasingly important orders and growth.
           Asked about the reasons for this success Patrizia Bau said,
           “Certainly, the will and commitment were fundamental, but    -|ubŒb- ;ŠrѴ-bm;7 -0o†| |_bv 1_ob1;Ĺ ľ$_; Cuv| |_bm] ‰; 1-m
           even more the ability to adapt to market changes, to inno-  say about Mappi is that whenever it is needed it is here and is
           vate and to invest constantly. Without this there is no future.”   1ollb‚;7 |o voѴˆbm] ;ˆ;u‹ ruo0Ѵ;lķ ‰_b1_ =ou|†m-|;Ѵ‹ u-u;Ѵ‹
            -|ubŒb- 1omঞm†;7ķ ľ); -u; =ou|†m-|; |o hmo‰ |_; l-uh;| bm   happens. But it is important to know that you can count on a
           v;ˆ;u-Ѵ -vr;1|vķ Ѵbmh;7 |o o†u ruo7†1ঞomķ ‰_b1_ bm1Ѵ†7;v 0o|_   ready and safe support.
           1omv|u†1ঞom -m7 u;=ub];u-ঞom -m7 =†umbv_bm]ĺ  m ;ˆ;u‹ C;Ѵ7   ľ$o7-‹ -uo†m7 ƖƖѷ o= o†u ruo7†1ঞom |†umv -uo†m7 |_; |;l-
           there is an ever-increasing complexity of requests, in terms   pering furnace, if we could not count on reliability and con-
           of design, shapes but also technical features, colours. In more   stant quality it would be a serious problem. We were thinking
           than a few cases there is a real partnership with the architect   just a few days ago about the fact that even two furnaces
           and the designer, who has very clear ideas                         0;]bm |o 0; 1Ѵov; |o †v bm ou7;u |o v-ঞv=‹
           about what he wants and expects us to be                           customer requests. It goes without saying
           able to achieve it. “                                              |_-| voom;u ou Ѵ-|;u ‰; ‰bѴѴ Cm7 o†uv;Ѵˆ;v

           ľ m; |_bm] ‰; moঞ1; bv |_-| 1†v|ol;uv -u;                          saying, ‘there is no two without three.’
           increasingly aware that glass is an invest-                        “Moreover, in Mappi  we found a  way of
           ment, and that it must be done accurate-                           working that is also ours, the constant will
           ly, bearing in mind quality, reliability and                       |o ruo]u;vvķ |o -mঞ1br-|; |_; ;ˆoѴ†ঞom o=
           energy savings.  The improvement of the                            |_; l-uh;|ķ mo| |o 0; v-ঞvC;7ĺ  m |_bv |_;
           standards is a path that does not stop. For                        m;‰  $" ƓĺƏ bv -m buu;rѴ-1;-0Ѵ; u;vo†u1;ķ
           example, if today 3mm glass is a standard of                       a furnace that brings us a step forward in
           excellence, it is likely that as soon as pos-                      the future.”
           sible we will be asked to work thicknesses
           of 2mm.”
           A second Mappi furnace, an ATS  4.0
                                                  Right, Patrizia Bau, with Nancy
           1800×4200ķ _-v 0;;m -1ঞˆ; bm "|u-|o]Ѵ-vv
                                                    -ll-uo =uol  -rrbķ Ѵ;[
           for the past few months.                                                    WWW.MAPPI.IT

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