Page 71 - Glass-Technology International no. 2-2019
P. 71

Since its first electronic forklifts

             were built back in 1969 – 50 years

             ago – Italcarrelli has continued to

             grow and develop – not only as a                  ance systems, yet another

                                                               step forward from all Laser
             company, but also in terms of the                 Guided Vehicles (LGV).
                                                               Italcarrelli’s laser guidance
             technological solutions it provides               system is an innovative and
                                                               smart system that can be
             to a number of industries. The                    installed on any inloader or
                                                               side-loader to turn it into a
             company’s most recent development                 self-driving machine.    on the facilities.  by
                                                               Thanks to laser guide,
             – laser guided inloader transporters              very high accuracy can be   Italcarrelli provide opti-
                                                                                        mizing logistics operations
                                                               achieved – even more than
                                                               5 millimetres in terms of   among  the  production
             – is set to create a ‘revolution’ in              positioning.             lines, warehouses, the glass
                                                               Moreover, thanks to be-  processing lines and ship-
             the glass sector.                                 ing extremely flexible, the   ping areas, thus increas-
                                                               routes can be easily gener-  ing productivity and safety
                                                               ated, modified or extended,   and consequently reducing
                                                               without particular impact   production costs.
           were introduced. The high   innovative solutions for flat
           level of reliability of these   glass producers and proces-
           prototypes marked the be-  sors, thanks to the use of the
           ginning of a period of con-  most recent technologies
           stant growth in demand in   such as optical and ultra-
           the field of special forklifts.   sound sensors, touchscreen
           In the same period, the   and dedicated software de-
           company started expand-   veloped by Italcarrelli.
           ing its market also beyond   Thanks once again to in-
           the national boundaries   vestments, Italcarrelli has
           and began exporting front-  now developed machines
           loading forklifts in Europe   without operators on board
           and overseas.             – AGV machines, ever
           From    that  important   more requested by today’s
           period up to the present,   market and – of course –
           Italcarrelli has continued to   Industry 4.0.
           grow, developing more and
           more technological ma-    PTN 330 LGV LASER
           chines, with an important   GUIDED INLOADER
           focus on the glass sector,   TRANSPORTERS
           leading, in fact, to the crea-  Italcarrelli is now revolu-
           tion of the Italcarrelli Glass   tionizing logistics in float
           Division. Today, this impor-  glass factories by introduc-
           tant division is totally com-  ing Automated Guided Ve-
           mitted to the research, de-  hicles (AGV).
           velopment and production   The company has, in fact,
           of special machinery for the   developed a series of so-
           handling of flat glass.    lutions to transform its
                                                                        re e elllli Srl
           Thanks to important in-   machines into automated      IIIIt t t t ta a a a allllc c c c ca a a a ar r r r rr r r r re e e e e e ellllllllllliiiii S S Sr r r rllll Srll
           vestments, the company is   guided vehicles, featuring  g
           now a global leader, with   inductive and optical guid- d-  E-mail: -

                                                               Via Monte Rosa 9 - 36072 Chiampo (VI) - Italy
                                                               Tel.: +39 - 0444 - 623393 - Fax: +39 - 0444 - 420195
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