Page 74 - Glass-Technology International no. 2-2019
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                                                               vibrations during work,   Sava Active
                                                                100 per cent savings in   Tyrolit has recently released
                                                                 logistic costs as there is   Sava Active, an innovative
                                                                 no need for re-profiling.   dressing stick for diamond
                                                                 Moreover, Tyrolit pro-  wheels in the automotive
           AUTOMOTIVE GLASS          HALO, Tyrolit introduced   vides a wide range of   glass industry. This product
           PROCESSING TOOLS          a new concept of edge     monobloc drills and drills   offers several advantages
           Over the last decade,     grinding in the automo-   with mobile countersinks   such as improved lifetime of
           Tyrolit has expanded its   tive glass industry, offering   for the automotive glass   diamond tools up to 25 per
           range of products for the   various economic benefits:   industry. They are special-  cent, as well as an improve-
           automotive glass industry,   minimized investment in   ly designed and manufac-  ment of quality and finish-
           offering a wide assortment   new wheels, reduced spin-  tured to guarantee the best   ing of the glass edge. This
           of tools for edge grinding,   dle maintenance due to a   quality of the hole at high   means an enhancement of
           drilling and dressing.    lighter wheel that reduces   feed rates.           productivity and a reduc-
           Tyrolit offers a wide as-                                                    tion of scraps.
           sortment of peripheral dia-
           mond wheels with different
           profiles for edge grinding                                                       Tyrolit Vincent Srl
           of windscreens, side win-
           dows, backlites, sunroofs
           and rear view mirrors.
           They are able to work at
           up to 40m/minute on lam-
           inated applications and up
           to 30m/minute with tem-                                                         Via dell’Elettronica 6, Z.I.
           pered glass, granting clean                                                     36016 Thiene (VI) - Italy
           edge grinding, high stock                                                       Tel.: +39 - 0445 - -359911
           removal and low dress-                                                          Fax: +39 - 0445 - 359955
           ing frequency.                                                                  E-mail:
           With the single                                                       
           use grinding ring
                                                                                            About tools for
                                                                                           automotive glass

                                                                                          About SAVA ACTIVE

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