Page 79 - Glass-Technology International no. 2-2019
P. 79

providing water and stain repellence,

       self-cleaning, easy-to-clean solutions

           the key to the success of   Tecnadis GWR,  which    2018 and 2019. Tecnan’s   VETROSMART –
           Tecnan’s products in the   reaches an 85-90 per cent   hydrophobic products are   CERTIFIED
           market, being present at   share of Tecnan’s home   also used for construc-  DURABILITY
           both national and interna-  market for the professional   tion materials in emblem-  FOR 10 YEARS
           tional level.             sector of windshield replace-  atic buildings such as the   Within the range of products
           The quality of the products   ment and repair, being used   Sagrada Familia Basilica   for glass surfaces, Tecnan
           manufactured by Tecnan    by important companies    (Barcelona), the Cathedral   offers the Vetrosmart treat-
           is conclusively proven, for   such as Carglass  Spain,   of Panama City (Panama)   ment, with direct application
           instance, by the success   which has selected this   or the castle in South    to shower screens, windows
           of its rain repellent solu-  treatment for its anti-rain   Tipperary (Ireland), among   or glass curtain walls among
           tion for car windscreens,    campaigns during 2017,   many others.           others, and which is hav-
                                                                                        ing a high market impact
                                                                                        right now.
                                                                                        Vetrosmart is a transpar-
                                                                                        ent hydrophobic solution
                                                                                        which provides the glass
                                                                                        with easy-to-clean proper-
                                                                                        ties, creating a protective
                                                                                        barrier against liquids, li-
                                                                                        mescale and other stains,
                                                                                        therefore preventing its ac-
                                                                                        cumulation and reducing
                                                                                        subsequent cleaning tasks.
                                                                                        The key of the Vetrosmart
                                                                                        treatment is its quality-
                                                                                        price ratio, which makes it
                                                                                        a really attractive alterna-
                                                                                        tive within the professional
                                                                                        sector for companies such
                                                                                        as shower screen manu-
                                                                                        facturers, glassware work-
                                                                                        shops and glass installers,
                                                                                        among others.
                                                                                        As proof of its quality,
                                                                                        Vetrosmart has recently
                                                                                        obtained a certification of
                                                                                        10 years durability after
                                                                                        satisfactorily passing a very
                                                                                        complete procedure of ac-
                                                                                        celerated aging tests. The

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