Page 86 - Glass-Technology International no. 2-2019
P. 86


                                                               two laminating lines offer   commitment has been cre-
                                                               all lamination solutions,   ated, both personal and
                                                               notably  regular  safety  professional. “As a team,
                                                               glass, acoustic glass, col-  we respect each other’s
                                                               oured laminated glass and   abilities and support one
                                                               Hurricane-resistant glass.   another. Phoenicia is com-
                                                               It will continue to develop   mitted to organisational
                                                               premium products such    excellence, recruiting out-
                                                               BT  MPX  JSPO  HMBTT   5SVF   standing employees, nur-
                                                               $PMPS ) and invest in in-  turing and empowering
                                                               novation, both internally   them, while maintaining
                                                               and through joint ventures   an interesting, challenging
                                                               to create quality glass for   and enjoyable workplace
                                                               life quality and to fulfil its   that provides job security
                                                               vision.                  and protecting the knowl-
                                                               In the belief that custom-  edge and experience accu-
                                                               ers come first, Phoenicia’s   mulated in the process.”
                                                               team invests in the best   3FDPHOJTFE BT UIF TPVSDF PG
                                                               customer service possible,   glass knowledge in Israel,
                                                               paired with high qual-   the company’s employees
                                                               JUZ QSPEVDUT  5IF DPNQBOZ   are committed to continu-
                                                               has hundreds of active cus-  ally learning and enhancing
                                                               tomers around the world,   their capabilities.
                                                               many of whom have been   3FQPSUFEMZ  UIF NBJO DIBM-
                                                               working with Phoenicia   lenges currently facing
                                                               GPS  EFDBEFT   $POTJEFSBCMF   Phoenicia are associated
                                                               pride is taken from the fact   with finding consistent,
           and doors in various sizes   Values:                that some of the world’s   high quality raw materials
           and thicknesses. It is free   t  &YQFSUJTF          largest glass manufactur-  and doing everything pos-
           from optical distortions or   t  2VBMJUZ  PG  -JGF  $PNFT   ers (competitors) are also   sible to keep its customers
           small defects that interfere   First                customers.               happy, without missing
           with the landscape, thus   t  3FTVMUT                                        any new opportunities.
           providing a perfect view   t  1FSTPOBM   #VTJOFTT *O-  EMPLOYEES AS THE
           from every angle of with an   tegrity               MOST IMPORTANT
           abundance of natural light.  t  " $VTUPNFS DFOUSJD "Q-  ASSET
                                       proach                  Phoenicia  acknowledges
                                     t  )VNBO  $BQJUBM  BOE    that its employees are its
           Phoenicia will serve as a   5FBNXPSL                most important asset. “We
           lighthouse for the Israeli   Phoenicia is Israel’s sole   believe that in order to
                                                                                          Phoenicia Ltd,
           market and selected global   flat glass manufacturer,   produce quality glass, we   Phoenicia ,
           markets, by setting new   selling approximately 50   must invest in our teams by
           standards of quality of life   per cent of production lo-  training and teaching them
           through innovation and so-  cally. With two lamination   DPOTUBOUMZw   5IF  GBDU  UIBU
           phistication in glass.    lines supplying safety glass   Phoenicia is a sole pro-
           Phoenicia is committed to   and other solutions. Float   ducer causes a challenge in   QUALIT Y GL ASS FOR LIFE QUALIT Y
           creating leadership while   glass is offered in thick-  finding qualified employees   Nazareth Illit, Israel
           striving for excellence in its   nesses from 1.8 millime-  and training them, and the   Tel: +972 4 6410200
           products, their quality and   tres to 12 millimetres, with   company has to invest in   E-mail:
           uncompromising customer   clear and low iron materi-  this continuously.
           service.                  BMT BWBJMBCMF  5IF GBDUPSZ T   A culture of reciprocal

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