Page 84 - Glass-Technology International no. 2-2019
P. 84


           was introduced to the orig-                         t  5IJDL  HMBTT  SBJMJOHT  GPS
           inal flat glass business in                            balconies (without any
           1951 and a year later, ca-    Phoenicia’s vision      greenish tint).
           pacity was increased to 60   is to create the ‘perfect   t  1SPWJEJOH  B  USBOTQBSFOU
           tons/day via the adoption                             and prestigious look in
           of the latest manufacturing   envelope’ for quality of life.  shower rooms.
           technology from the USA.                            t  4LZMJHIUT BOE MJHIU XJO-
           5IF DPOTUSVDUJPO PG B OFX                             dows (for maximum
           factory in 1972 allowed                               natural light flow and
           Phoenicia  to   increase                              for reducing the use of
           manufacturing capacity to                             artificial lighting).
           130 tons/day, before the   destinations globally.   t  -BNJOBUFE HMBTT  GPS BE-
           company was sold in 1989   Glass quality is the most in-  ditional features such
           to the American business-  fluential factor in the way we   as safety, colour and
           man William Davidson,     live and experience reality;   acoustic filtering.
           GPSNFS  1SFTJEFOU   $IBJS-  Phoenicia is committed to   5SVF $PMPS  glass is avail-
           NBO BOE $&0 PG (VBSEJBO    improving quality of life by   able in a variety of thick-
           Industries. In 1994, the   supplying the highest quality   nesses, from 1.8 millim-
           company’s relocation to a   state-of-the-art glass.  eters to 12 millimeters and
           newly built factory at Zip-                         can be tempered, curved
           porit, near Nazareth, al-  PRODUCTS                 and processed.
           lowed for the introduction   Phoenicia Ultra Clear - True
                                     Color ®                   Phoenicia Safety - Laminated
           PG  nPBU  UFDIOPMPHZ   0WFS
           the decades, the company   1IPFOJDJB 6MUSB $MFBS HMBTT   Glazing is a major compo-
           has successfully adopted   has low iron content, it   nent of all types of buildings.
           the latest manufacturing   is extremely transparent,   Glass combined with a thin
           technologies and devel-   made of the finest raw     plastic film (PVB) means
           oped a series of key prod-  NBUFSJBMT   5IFSFGPSF   JU   safety, and safety is Phoeni-
           ucts, including defence   has more than 96 per cent   cia’s main aim and goal.
           solutions and low iron    clarity, enables a very high   Phoenicia’s  laminated
           HMBTT  TPME VOEFS UIF 5SVF   light transmission and a   products, also known as
           $PMPS trademark.          true color visibility. Phoe-  safety glass, are composed
                                     OJDJB  6MUSB  $MFBS  HMBTT  PG-  of two or more layers of
           THE PRESENT DAY           fers an optimal solution for   highest quality float glass
           5PEBZ    1IPFOJDJB   JT   painting or printing. Its use   laminated with an inter-
           100 per cent owned by     ensures high-quality colour   layer of Polyvinyl butyral
           'PSUJTTJNP $BQJUBM  UIF MP-  visibility.            (PVB) to provide ultimate
           cal private equity fund   When printing or painting   safety and security.
           having acquired the busi-  on glass, the results will   Being virtually indistin-
           ness in 2012. It remains   not be affected by the tint   guishable from monolithic
           a successful and profit-   of the glass and will ensure   glass of the same thickness,
           able enterprise, with some   real colors with perfect   it will help to add beauty
           290 employees. Because    quality, as in the following   and light to any commer-
           the plant’s production ca-  examples:               cial or residential space.
           pacity of 550 tons/day is   t  1SJOUJOH  PS  QBJOUJOH  PO   Because laminated glass
           well in excess of local de-  glass (elevators, en-  does not shatter upon im-
           mand, the development of    trance lobbies, hotels,   pact and is resistant to
           export markets has been     rooms or halls, as well   breakage and remains in-
           prioritised, involving sales   as entire facades and   side its frame when sus-
           to more than 30 different   more).                  taining shocks, it is a nec-

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