Page 83 - Glass-Technology International no. 2-2019
P. 83

T   HE BEGINNINGS         its history. As well as ex-  owned factory in Haifa   tons/day of sheet glass.
                                     panding production capac-
               Phoenicia Flat Glass
                                                                                        Four years later, ownership
                                                               was purchased by Solel
               Industries Ltd. has
                                                               ing construction and civil
                                     cialist was responsible for
                                                                                        tries, who added a separate
           experienced some extreme   ity, Israel’s flat glass spe-  Boneh, one of Israel’s lead-  transferred to Koor Indus-
           changes since its estab-  the development of many   engineering  companies.  glassworks for the produc-
           lishment in 1934, also    significant  technological  A newly completed fur-  tion of bottles and table-
           accumulating  numerous    solutions in its early years.   nace at that time allowed   ware within 12 months. A
           achievements throughout   In 1941, the original, state-  for the production of 35   specialist fabrication line

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