Page 48 - Glass-Technology International no. 4-2019
P. 48
Rogerio Moreira, General Manager
(left) and Nuno Morais,
Ceo and Founder (right)
joined the company in the “We have just finished a IG LINE - Washing Machine
late 1990s and is now Gen- major project to optimise
eral Manager. and rationalise our pro-
“When we decided to in- duction plant,” continues
vest in the new flexible Moreira. “After we ex-
spacer,” explains Moreira, tended our production area
“we knew that we were try- (increasing it to its present
ing something totally new size of 18,000 square me-
in our field. We weighed tres), in 2017 we created
up a number of different specific, distinct areas for
options, but in the end we lamination, insulating glass
chose the Forel TBB ap- production and laminated
plicator, which offered the glass cutting. We needed
best performance with the to speed up process times
Super Spacer product. in the cutting department
Now that the necessary in particular, where we had
setting up stage is com- only performed horizontal
plete, the line is operating cuts: and this was made
at full capacity. Adding possible by the installation
this new line let us achieve of the Forel vertical cut-
the degree of flexibility ting line. This line’s preci-
we were looking for, and sion and reliability, and its
Vidraria Mortagua can ability to process Jumbo
now respond easily to both format panes rapidly, gave
standard orders and more our production capabilities
complex requests.” a significant boost. In addi-
The latest purchase by tion to this, Forel also built
Mortagua was a Forel a made-to-measure auto-
VC02 vertical laminated mated magazine system for
glass cutting line (the us, which feeds both the
model exhibited at glasstec vertical and the horizontal
2018). cutting lines.”
46 Glass-Technology International 4/2019